Review ‘X-Men ‘97’ Season 1 Episode 2 “Mutant Liberation Begins”

Season 1 Episode 2 of X-Men ‘97 continues to grab the attention of both new and old audiences alike. The writing from  Beau DeMayo takes a huge step up in this episode, bringing in deeper and more complex themes to the story of the X-Men. The story and dialogue are not afraid to take risks in this episode; instead, it questions our society throughout, making the audience second guess what side of the coin they may be on. Voice acting continues to impress. All the characters feel strong and complex with their own personality traits that make them unique from one another. The biggest stand in this episode has to be Matthew Waterson as Magneto. Matthew expands on the character of Magneto, making the audience empathize with the character in a new way. In contrast, Lenore Zann as Rogue falls flat in this episode, although the performance isn’t necessarily bad, it just lacks any sort of substance making it feel rather empty. 

The animation style shines yet again in this episode of X-Men ‘97, with the action sequences being flashy and exciting throughout. Even though the action sequences are the highlight in regard to animation, the rest of the show is visually stunning. The mix of hand-drawn animation and CGI effects/backgrounds makes the show feel special and unique with the same charm that the original X-Men: Animated Series had. 

Overall, Season 1 Episode 2 of X-Men ‘97 takes the setup from Episode 1 and delivers upon it, creating even more shock and excitement for audiences. Fans of the characters and the story will truly love this episode and will be hooked for the rest of the season going forward.

Rating: 8.5/10


Alejandro Londono: Aspiring Filmmaker who spends too much time watching shows and movies.
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