Review: KAOS, Season One, Episode Four, “A Descent into Darkness”

In episode four of the Netflix series KAOS, Zeus’s rage continues as he is overwhelmed by the loss of his watch and the prophecy of his downfall looming over him.

Audiences get a closer look at the narrator, Prometheus, and his deep-rooted, mysterious plans take part in many characters’ fate. Prometheus is shown to end the life of his longtime lover, a vivid shock to many. Before this, Prometheus makes his lover swear his legacy, and to “help a stranger” with the “mark”.

Dionysus completes his assistance to Orpheus in his journey to bring his wife back from the underworld. Orpheus travels with another stranger, Anatole, who seeks to bring his child back. As the two leap into the entrance to the underworld, Dionysus is left with his own pleasure of being the first god to lead a human to the underworld and hopefully return.

Orpheus and Anatole find a ride through the underworld by Prometheus’s old lover, Charon. Meanwhile, Riddy learns of her duties as a ‘diver’. While fate unwinds in the underworld, Dionysus finds a replica of Zeus’s watch to return to him along with Orpheus’s cat, Denis. Dionysus’s kind gesture catches Zeus’s eye, ushering him to promote Dionysus.

While Orpheus and Anatole drift through the waters with Charon, Orpheus is chosen to continue his journey due to his mysterious mark, which is similar to Prometheus’s. This is a pivotable moment in the storyline, as audiences see divine fate unfold. However, as Orpheus draws closer to reaching Riddy, Riddy may have a budding romance with her fellow diver, Caeneus.

Riddy and Caeneus further bond over their shared disillusionment being in the underworld. Their common curiosity leads them to a chilling discovery of a hidden basement below the underworld that is filled with petrified souls, leaving audiences with more questions than answers. The episode’s emotional depth and dark revelations set the story for drama in the following episodes.   Despite this episode being filled with multiple storylines and narratives, viewers see it as engaging. Its character development and intense plot twists further heighten the show’s tension. 

Rating: 8/10

Kayla Burrows: Film and television have always been an acute interest of mine since adolescence. Ever since, I have participated in adjacent professions, such as theatre, copywriting, and media research. With over eight years of experience in writing and communication, I aim to leverage my expertise to contribute to innovative media projects, and give audiences trusted reviews.
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