Episode six soars high with developments in Team Green and Team Black’s encampments. But as the title shows, the smallfolk took center stage as the winds shifted in Queen Rhaenyra’s favor.
Our opening finds Jason Lannister leading a charge to acquire another kingdom under King Aegon’s banner. His goal is to storm Harrenhal and deliver Daemon’s defeat. However, Jason’s ego bests him as he will not move until Aemond arrives atop Vhagar. Not fond of being beckoned by the lord of Casterly Rock, the King Regent takes offense and will do no such thing. Instead, he demands Cristan Cole to venture to Harrenhal, initiating a dual attack. He welcomes his uncle Daemon viewing him as a challenge.
As the council disperses, Aemond calls for his mother and relinquishes her of her council duties. She is now best suited to returning to “domestic pursuits.” Alicent faces how she has failed as a mother, questioning if things would have been different if her brother, Ser Gwayne, had accompanied their father instead. He reassures her she is not alone to blame and that the Red Keep is a volatile environment. She finds solace that her other son, Daeron, may possess decency both Aegon and Aemond lack.
We rush to Dragonstone to find Corlys, Rhaenyra’s new Hand, taking his seat with her council. She informs them of her plan to knight anyone with a trace of Targaryen blood as a dragon rider. Their first subject is Ser Steffon Darklyn, whose great-grandmother was of Targaryen heritage. Darklyn is aware of the great risk but ensures Rhaenyra that he pledged his life to her cause. The day comes to acquaint the knight with the dragon, Seasmoke. Accompanied by the dragon tamers, he cautiously approaches the creature who kneels for him to climb its saddle. But a hint of cockiness from Ser Steffon changes the dragon’s mind. Seasmoke levels the dungeon with fire killing Ser Darklyn.
In Harrenhal, Daemon continues to struggle mentally. This time his dreams are greeted by his late brother, Viserys I, banishing him from King’s Landing, and later, mourning his wife. It’s the first time Daemon exhibits remorse for his past actions as he comforts his weeping brother. Lost in translation, Daemon accuses Ser Simon of causing his madness, calling him an agent of the Hightower’s and his estranged wife. Readying to leave, Daemon succumbs and seeks Alys Rivers’ counsel. She tells him the Riverlands will not move without word from Lord Grover Tully. But if he mines his time, the winds may shift in his favor. Days later, news of Tully’s death breaks. Despite her best efforts, Alys Rivers could not save him.
The next few scenes focus on the common folk. Corlys meets with Alyn of Hull, offering him a right-hand position upon his vessel. Later, Alyn and Addam argue about the offer, displaying they know whose blood runs through their veins. Elsewhere, we reunite with alleged dragon seed Ulf in a local bar where gossip alleges the royals are preparing another feast as their constituents go another day without. Next, we see Hugh the Blacksmith’s wife witness Green knights drive carts of livestock and food to the castle, while their markets and cupboards are bare.
Lord Larys Strong warns Aemond that the people are hungry, offering his assistance with this burden. Aemond sees Larys’ play to insert himself as his Hand and goes on the defensive, ordering the master of whispers to fetch his grandsire Otto to return and serve instead. Larys cowls at this defeat as the Grand Maester announces Aegon has regained consciousness. Aemond, knowing how the king’s return could usurp his seat, visits his brother. Hidden behind his concern is a warning for Aegon to remain silent about what happened at Rook’s Rest. After his failure with Aemond, Larys aligns with Aegon. He empathizes with the now-crippled king, stating how his mind must remain strong as it is all he has left. Aegon whispers faint and clear: “Help me.”
While Rhaenyra’s search for a dragon rider stalls, her PR strategy arrives on time. Mysaria arranged for ships bearing food and supplies to sail to King’s Landing’s shores. Soon, “Long live Queen Rhaenyra” rings throughout the streets as the public champions her benevolence in their time of need. This occurs as Alicent and Helaena visit the Sept to light a candle for Aegon. The two queens are suddenly rushed from the sanctuary as civil unrest erupts. The crowd spots the royal women, chasing them violently. A man grabs Alicent and loses his hand to a knight’s blade. Alicent begs for them to sheath their swords in order not to portray unwonted violence against the innocents. But it is too late. Alicent and her daughter barely return to their carriage as the crowd overwhelms the knights.
This victory strengthens Rhaenya and Mysaria’s bond. With this newfound trust, Mysaria opens up about how she received her scar: a victim of her father’s violent attacks left her barren. Knowing how cruel the world is, Mysaria believes Rhaenyra is steadfast. Rhaenyra welcomes this compliment with a hug, which lingers into an embrace. Soon, the queen and servant’s lips lock. The intimate moment is broken with news that Seasmoke has been spotted with a rider on its shoulders. Rhaenyra suspecting the worst flies to investigate.
With two episodes left, “Smallfolk” accelerates the narrative delivering peak Game of Thrones as our players strategize for survival. Aemond seems impenetrable, but the young boy haunted by trauma may have found his match in a Larys-supported Aegon. And while many have echoed disdain for Daemon’s arc, the king consort could be a more formidable opponent after working through his demons. While not previously mentioned, the scene with Rhaena seemed inconsequential. But the reveal of a wild dragon could serve Rhaenyra in the long run.
Rating: 9/10