Trouble is Coming for Longmire

Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) is back for a second season of A&E’s Longmire, which will premiere this Memorial Day at 10 PM. The series will continue to focus on Longmire’s investigations as local sheriff of Absaroka County, Wyoming based on Craig Johnson’s mystery novels–a story that made it to A&E’s number one original drama series of all time while totaling 4 million viewers.

For those looking for a new show this summer, Longmire looks promising. “Life is a mystery. How we move through life when life gets difficult. Those are the stories we’re trying to tell,” says executive producer and writer John Coveny in a season two preview. Some of the mysteries Longmire will encounter include murders, secrets and betrayals. As he struggles to come to terms with his wife’s murder, storms clouds are gathering with more problems which he must face in this upcoming season. Each character will be tested as writers John Coveny and Hunt Baldwin make Longmire’s life more complicated stemming from his potential unraveling season one finale.

In addition to offering a new and promising face to the western-crime-drama genre, the show is also bringing a larger focus to Native Americans in entertainment. The fictional Absaroka, WY borders an Indian reservation which brings Walt into close encounters with the Native American population and leads to lasting friendships, such as with Henry Standing Bear (Lou Diamond Phillips). Longmire’s fictional relationship with Native Americans has led to a the show’s very real relationship with the group. According to the Examiner, Native Americans represent less than two percent of the workforce in movies and TV. Longmire is offering the opportunity for them to be portrayed in a modern light with over 200 New Mexico principal and background talent, including Native Americans.

In the extended trailer Lou Diamond Phillips says, “There are a lot of people out there who are missing character who had honor and dignity and respect.” This season will put Walt Longmire’s honor, dignity and respect to the test as the storm clouds of trouble are heading towards him. Henry Standing Bear tells him, “You are an honest man Walt, I would like for you to stay that way,” but the hint of doubt in his voice makes it sound like the events of season two will make this impossible.

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