‘Riverdale’s’ Cole Sprouse Arrested at Santa Monica Protest

Cole Spouse, Jughead Jones on The CW’s Riverdale, verified recently that he was amidst those arrested during the Sunday protests surrounding the murder of George Floyd according to comicbook.com.  Sprouse took part in a protest with a few dozen people around downtown Santa Monica on Sunday.

This peaceful protest allegedly heightened when another group of protesters began to vandalise and loot businesses in the area. The reported vandalism resulted in law enforcement arriving to the scene and attempting to disperse the crowd. Police allegedly gave protesters the option to leave however Sprouse was among the groups who wanted to stay on the scene, eventually leading to his arrest via Buzzfeed.

In a statement released my Sprouse, the actor emphasized that he was not spotlighting the details of his arrest in order to chronicle a narrative regarding “a straight white man and a public figure.” Instead, he hopes his post shows that institutional ramifications that can occur to any individual regardless of status, even in a situations of peaceful protests via Vulture.

In addition, other celebrities have similarly spoken out about the protests, including actor Kendrick Sampson (Insecure), who was beaten with a baton and shot by rubber bullets in Los Angeles according to comicbook.com.

Cathryn Nye: I am a Sophomore at University of San Diego currently studying English and Communication Studies.
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