References and Themes in Mad Men Season Six

This season of Mad Men focuses on the two conflicting versions of 1968. On one hand, viewers see references to Woodstock and the “Summer of Love”; on the other hand, viewers remember events like Vietnam.


In this week’s episode titled “A Tale of Two Cities”, the hour show depicts the differences between two coasts, bringing up historical events like the 1968 Democratic convention. As told in the LA Times, this episode seemed slow and uneventful compared to the action-packed episode “The Better Half” aired the week prior. The more recent episode seems to serve as a placeholder, separating the drama over the span of the entire season. On this week’s show, Mad Men revisited some of their most popular themes, including but not limited to office politics and the notion of California as the place to go for self-invention, as described by Vulture.

Despite what little plot-changing events took place in the episode, viewers enjoyed the funny dialogue from their favorite characters, including the one-liner “There’s an extra nipple for you.” As the sixth season continues, viewers look forward to what the show still has to offer.

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