Netflix Releases First Trailer for New Errol Morris Miniseries ‘Wormwood’

Netflix has released its first teaser trailer for its upcoming miniseries Wormwood, IndieWire reports. The six-part miniseries will follow a man who discovers the truth behind his father’s death, who died during the CIA’s LSD experiments during the Cold War.

Errol Morris, a renowned filmmaker known for his razor sharp documentaries such as The Thin Blue Line and The Fog of War, is the director for Wormwood. The Netflix miniseries will blend performed  reenactments with documentary interviews as it works to works to uncover the story behind these experiments and what the trailer dubs, “the untold true story of the CIA”.

The trailer is brief but nonetheless unsettling as Morris films sequences to place his viewer in the shoes of the protagonist as he experiences his LSD trips at the hands of the CIA.

The series’ official synopsis describes Wormwood as a “series [that] explores the limits of our knowledge about the past and the lengths we’ll go in our search for the truth. A family story of one man’s sixty-year quest to identify the circumstances of his father’s mysterious death. A quest which brings him face-to-face with some of the darkest secrets of the United States.”

The series was first ordered by Netflix last fall. Wormwood has a notably impressive cast, starring Peter Sarsgaard, Molly Parker, Jimmi Simpson, Tim Blake Nelson, Bob Balaban, Christian Camrago, and John Doman.

All six episodes of Wormwood will arrive on Netflix on December 15.

Caitlin Leale: Currently a graduating senior at Connecticut College, Caitlin is studying both film and European history in New London, Connecticut. As well as working as a contributor for mxdwn Television, Caitlin is a film reviewer for the online film streaming site Flix Premiere (which can be visited at Having also studied at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and at University College London, Caitlin has an extensive academic, professional, and international knowledge of the film and TV industry. She hopes to later study screenwriting in graduate school and become a writer on a show of her own in the future.
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