Miss America Sings ‘Happy’ with ‘Pitch Perfect’ Cups

Did she just pull an Anna Kendrick? Using a Pharrell Williams? (song)

Inspired by the 2012 movie, Pitch Perfect, the 2015 Miss America Kira Kazantsev sang Pharrell Williams’ hit “Happy” while banging a red cup on the floor. She easily became the target for media scrutiny.

That didn’t stop her.

She defends her decision with: “The reason why I chose to do that talent is I wanted every single little girl in America to be able to see that you can do that talent — you can do whatever talent you want on national television — even with a red cup — and still be Miss America and have the time of your life.”

America is the land of the free, and if Miss America wants to perform with a red cup on national television, then by Washington, she can and will.

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