Literally Naked & Afraid

Discovery’s new survival show Naked & Afraid is going to push boundaries with new twists on classic survival.

Huffington Post reports that Naked & Afraid leaves contestants out in the middle of nowhere with no supplies.  No food, no water, not even clothes. The contestants will be stranded in male/female pairs (who are complete strangers) in the wild for 21 days.

The show will focus on a different pair each week as they all must overcome harsh obstacles.  Other than being naked in front of a stranger (and viewers), the contestants will also need to find food and shelter for their three week stint in the wild. And they mean wild, we’re talking jungles of Africa wild.

This new series premieres Sun., June 23 at 10:20 PM EST, moving to its regular time slot of 10 PM on Sun., June 30.

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