According to’s recent report, the beloved animated series King of the Hill is making its comeback with a new revival series on Hulu, and new details about the show’s upcoming episodes have emerged. Following in the footsteps of Futurama, which also made a return on Hulu, King of the Hill is set to reintroduce fans to the quirky world of Arlen, Texas. As excitement builds for the series debut, potential episode titles for the first season of the revival have reportedly surfaced, teasing what viewers can expect from the new wave of episodes.
Also mentioned by, the titles for ten episodes of the upcoming series were spotted on the Writer’s Guild of America (WGA) website in the Signatory Confirmation Lookups database. These titles, published between November and December 2024, offer intriguing hints about the direction of the new series, although they have not been officially confirmed by Hulu or 20th Television Animation at this time.
The spotted titles are as follows:
- “Return of the King”
- “The Beer Story”
- “Chore Money, Chore Problems”
- “Any Given Hill-Day”
- “New Ref in Town”
- “Peggy’s Fadeout”
- “Bobby Gets Grilled”
- “No Hank Left Behind”
- “A Sounder Investment”
- “Kahn-scious Uncoupling”
As mentioned by, the titles suggest that the revival will continue to focus on the lives of the Hill family, with episodes likely centering around Hank, Peggy, and Bobby. The premiere episode, “Return of the King”, hints at the show’s return after its original run ended over a decade ago. Other titles such as “Bobby Gets Grilled” suggest Bobby’s new career path as a chef—perhaps involving a memorable barbecue showdown with Hank. Meanwhile, “Kahn-scious Uncoupling” could point to a significant change for the Souphanousinphone family, possibly teasing a storyline about Kahn and his wife’s separation, or even a storyline revolving around their daughter, Connie.
The return of fan-favorite characters is also hinted at, with “Kahn-scious Uncoupling” confirming the return of Kahn Souphanousinphone. However, the character’s fate has been somewhat uncertain, as co-creator Greg Daniels (The Office, Parks And Recreation, The Paper) expressed doubts about Kahn’s return in earlier interviews. He even mentioned the possibility of recasting the character, given the time lapse since the original show’s casting.
While the titles give a glimpse of what’s to come, fans will need to wait for official confirmation from Hulu and 20th Television Animation. The revival is expected to premiere in 2025, with original creators Mike Judge and Greg Daniels returning to oversee the new episodes. King of the Hill veterans Kathy Najimy (Locus Pocus Two, Hocus Pocus, Sister Act), Stephen Root (Barry, Get Out, Four Good Days), Pamela Adlon (Better Things, Tinkerbell, Babes) and Lauren Tom (Andi Mack, Futurama, When A Man Loves A Women) have also been confirmed to reprise their roles.
Unfortunately, the production has been affected by the loss of cast members, with Johnny Hardwick (The Monster Hunter, Ruta Awakening), the voice of Dale Gribble, passing away before the revival series could begin, as mentioned by It remains to be seen how the show will handle these changes, but fans are hopeful that the revival will maintain the charm and humor of the original series.
As the premiere date approaches, fans can expect more updates about the series, including official announcements about the cast and episode details. If all goes according to plan, the new King of the Hill series will offer a long-awaited return to Arlen, Texas, in 2025.