James Franco Will Be ‘Roastee’

The well-know actor James Franco who just starred in the well received film “This Is The End” has been named the next victim of Comedy Central’s Roast. The roasting will be taped in late August and premiered on Comedy Central on Labor Day.

After the premiere of the Roast of James Franco , his documentary “Francophrenia” will also be shown for the first time. Franco stated that he has been anticipating the day he would have the honor of being roasted in front of millions of viewers for a very long time.

Franco has starred in many well know roles, most recently being “This Is The End”, also in “Pineapple Express”, the show Freaks and Geeks, and other roles ranging from comedy to serious. Away from his accomplishments on the silver screen as an actor, a director, and a writer, Franco will have his first poetry book published this year as well.

Franco announced on his instagram about the roast and it was confirmed by the executive team at Comedy Central.

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