Comcast Television Network, Sky, Achieves Carbon Neutral Certification on All U.K. Originals

Sky, a media and entertainment company from the Comcast Corporation, has achieved carbon neutral certification on all of its U.K. Originals, per The Hollywood Reporter. It is the first U.K. television company to do so. Sky Television attained certification because it remained carbon neutral for the entirety of 2019, and promises to keep it up in 2020.

Sky’s UK originals include HBO Max’s Chernobyl (directed by Johan Renck), Sky One’s Brassic (directed by Jon Wright, Daniel O’Hara, and Saul Metzstein), and HBO Max’s Catherine the Great (directed by Philip Martin).

The certification is given by CarbonNeutral, branch of Natural Capital Partners, that drafts the Carbon Neutral Protocol and determines whether or not companies should receive carbon neutral certification. Natural Capital Partner’s mission statement reads, “we work with our clients to deliver high quality solutions that ensure immediate, positive impact on the world’s natural capital.” Sky has received certification because it is also a client of Natural Capital Partners and utilizes their Carbon Neutral Protocol to become carbon neutral.

The overarching outline of the Carbon Neutral Protocol has 5 steps: define, measure, target, reduce, and communicate. According to CarbonNeutral, “Carbon neutrality is achieved by calculating a carbon footprint and reducing it to zero through a combination of efficiency measures in-house and supporting external emission reduction projects.” What Sky has done is reduce its carbon footprint to a small enough amount to better the health of the environment and slow climate change.

CarbonNeutral has also helped multi-billion dollar companies such as Microsoft, Logitech, Hirdaramani Group, and VMWare Tech to achieve carbon neutral status. Helping these large clientele to largely reduce their carbon footprint can be of great help in mitigating the effects of climate change. Sky’s achievement is the latest is an increasing list of companies that are switching to carbon neutrality.

Trisha Gautam: I am an English Literature major at Chapman University with a passion for television and writing. My biggest hobbies are watching TV and reading classic literature.
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