televisionNews Jim Henson’s 'The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance' Cancelled on the Heels of Emmy Victory September 23rd, 2020
televisionNews Production For Season Four of 'Stranger Things' to Tentatively Start on Sept. 28th September 18th, 2020
televisionNews Animated Version of Norman Lear's 'Good Times' in Development at Netflix September 14th, 2020
televisionNews 'Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts' to Return for Final Season this October September 11th, 2020
televisionNews Jeremy Tardy Leaving Netflix Series 'Dear White People,' Following A Racial Discrimination Dispute September 11th, 2020
televisionNews 'Girlfriends' Creator Mara Brock Akil Lands Overall Deal With Netflix September 9th, 2020