Previously on The Penguin, Oz manages to escape his fate of being caught by Sofia Falcone. His elaborate plan worked; Oz was able to frame another for the death of Alberto Falcone, and now plays a role in the Falcone gang. While Oz is walking free, Sophia is still searching for anyone involved in her brother’s death. Oz may have to continue to clear his name and further frame characters.
The Penguin meets with Sal, another gang leader whom he framed for Alberto’s death. Oz is now working for two different families at the same time. He is helping the Falcones export the new drugs arriving in Gotham while helping Sal steal the shipments during a drop. Oz is caught in the middle of this plan, barely escaping the exchange of gunfire.
While Oz escaped without a scratch, he was blamed for losing product, though he was not suspected of being a traitor. Sophia interjects the exchange of words between her uncle and Oz, suspecting a ‘rat’, or rather, an insider. Oz then clings to her as an escape, vowing his loyalty to her. He begins to manipulate her like he does to many, though Sophia does not easily give her trust.
While Oz heads back home and rewards his right hand, Vic, with women, Sophia begins her investigation. Sophia hires one of her father’s previous helpers to assist her in finding the ‘rat’ who told Sal about the drugs.
The Penguin murders Sophia’s key witness spurring Luca Carmine to round up every key player in the failed drop for questioning. Oz plants his weapon on Castillo, Alberto’s bodyguard, who Luca murders instantly. .
Once again, Oz escapes his fate while others die due to his actions. Audiences can see Oz as the manipulative character he is, and that Sophia may become a pawn to him due to her emotional instability. While this is a huge character flaw, it makes her unpredictable. Oz will have to continue to work his way around her unpredictability as he begins to work with Sophia to take down other gangs for her brother’s murder.
Overall, this episode was extremely similar to episode one. One of the more interesting factors of this episode was its closer look at Sophia. Viewers see her insecurities and vulnerability, all while seeing her frightening determination. This episode had great character development, though fell through with a lack of thrill.
Rating: 8/10