Review: ‘The Bad Batch’ Season 3 Episode 3 “Shadows of Tantiss”

In Season 3, Episode 3 of the Disney Plus series The Bad Batch, titled “Shadows of Tantiss,” the narrative unfolds with Omega (Michelle Ang) navigating the oppressive confines of the Weyland Facility in Mount Tantiss, her routine disrupted by the imminent arrival of Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). Under the watchful gaze of Dr. Royce Hemlock (Jimmi Simpson), the Emperor’s presence casts a shadow of scrutiny over Project Necromancer, a pivotal endeavor within the Advanced Science Division.

As tensions mount, Nala Se (Gwendoline Yeo) and Hemlock are compelled to divert their attention to appease the Emperor, leaving Emerie Karr (Keisha Castle-Hughes) in charge of overseeing Omega’s blood samples. Recognizing the imminent threat posed by Emerie’s scrutiny, Nala Se urges Omega to seize the opportunity to escape before her genetic significance is fully realized by Hemlock.

Upon the Emperor’s arrival, Hemlock leads him into the depths of the vault, unveiling a sinister array of clone growth jars housed within a clandestine Sith shrine. Within this ominous chamber lies the culmination of Hemlock’s ambitions — a repository of clone specimens primed for experimentation in the transfer of the elusive M-Count.

Amidst the unfolding chaos, Omega embarks on a daring escape with Crosshair (Dee Bradley Baker), defying the suffocating grasp of the Weyland Facility. Their flight into the treacherous depths of the jungle is fraught with peril, compounded by the relentless pursuit of clone commandos under Hemlock’s command.

Meanwhile, Hemlock’s ambitions are emboldened by the Emperor’s endorsement of Project Necromancer, granting him unfettered access to the vast resources of the Galactic Empire. However, as Omega and Crosshair’s flight disrupts his meticulously laid plans, Hemlock’s grip on power begins to falter, revealing the fragility of his machinations in the face of defiance.

As Omega and Crosshair navigate the perilous terrain, their salvation arrives in the form of Batcher, a loyal lurca whose intervention turns the tide against their pursuers. Yet, even as their escape hangs in the balance, Emerie’s revelation of Omega’s genetic significance reaffirms Hemlock’s resolve to reclaim his prized asset at any cost.

The episode culminates in a race against time as Omega, Crosshair, and Batcher embark on a desperate bid for freedom, their flight symbolic of defiance against the tyranny of the Empire. Despite Hemlock’s relentless pursuit, their escape serves as a beacon of hope, heralding the dawn of a new chapter in their quest for truth and liberation.

As the dust settles and the echoes of their defiance reverberate throughout the jungle, Omega, Crosshair, and Batcher soar towards an uncertain future, their journey marked by the indomitable spirit of resilience and the pursuit of justice amidst the shadows of Mount Tantiss.

Project Necromancer

In Season 3, Episode 3 of The Bad Batch, titled “Shadows of Tantiss,” Director Steward Lee and Writer Matt Michnovetz deliver a riveting action-packed installment that propels the narrative forward while unveiling critical revelations about the Empire’s clandestine operations.

The episode’s focal point lies in the daring escape orchestrated by Omega, Crosshair, and Batcher from the confines of Mount Tantiss. Their flight from the clutches of Dr. Hemlock’s insidious experiments serve as a poignant symbol of defiance against the oppressive regime of the Empire. Director Lee’s adept handling of the high-stakes action sequences injects palpable tension into every frame, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as the trio navigates the treacherous jungles surrounding the facility.

Central to the episode’s intrigue is the revelation of Project Necromancer, a clandestine initiative aimed at securing the Empire’s future through the pursuit of immortality. The project’s connection to Emperor Palpatine and his quest for eternal life adds a layer of complexity to the overarching narrative, shedding light on the lengths to which the Sith Lord will go to maintain his grip on power.

The episode’s exploration of Project Necromancer draws intriguing parallels to its portrayal in Season 3 of The Mandalorian, where Commandant Hux divulges its significance in providing the Imperial Remnant with a suitable leader. The notion of cloning Emperor Palpatine as a vessel for his consciousness echoes themes of hubris and the pursuit of immortality, mirroring the Emperor’s insatiable thirst for power.

However, as revealed in The Rise of Skywalker novels, Project Necromancer’s ambitions ultimately falter in the face of unforeseen challenges. The Emperor’s attempts to transfer his essence into cloned bodies prove futile, culminating in the rise of Snoke as a temporary proxy for his influence within the First Order. This revelation underscores the inherent flaws in the Empire’s grand designs, highlighting the inherent hubris of those who seek to defy the natural order.

The narrative threads surrounding Palpatine’s resurrection find echoes in Star Wars Legends’ Dark Empire storyline, wherein the Emperor’s ability to inhabit cloned bodies serves as a recurring motif. The parallels between the two narratives offer a fascinating exploration of the Emperor’s relentless pursuit of immortality, showcasing the enduring legacy of his dark ambitions across different iterations of the Star Wars mythos.

In “Shadows of Tantiss,” Director Steward Lee and Writer Matt Michnovetz masterfully blend elements of action and intrigue, crafting a compelling narrative that expands the lore of the Star Wars universe while delving into the complexities of power, ambition, and the eternal struggle between light and dark. As Omega, Crosshair, and Batcher embark on their journey towards freedom, the echoes of Project Necromancer reverberate throughout the galaxy, serving as a grim reminder of the dangers inherent in tampering with the forces of life and death.

Rating: 9/10

Ryan Seun Woo Kwon: I am currently pursuing a major in Film & Media with a minor in History & Creative Writing at the University of California, Berkeley. Growing up in Portland, Shanghai, and Seoul has given me a multicultural perspective that I use to view social and historical events. With a strong passion for TV and film, wish to explore opportunities in narrative development, story writing, and production.
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