Review: ‘House of the Dragon’ Season 2, Episode 7 “The Red Sowing”

Season two’s penultimate episode delivers on multiple fronts: Daemon’s Harrenhal habit finally comes to a head, while Rhaenyra’s gamble on dragon seeds produces fruit. “The Red Sowing” sets viewers a step closer to the dance that ends Targaryen’s rule for decades to come.

An Aemond-led King’s Landing has changed the council’s dynamic. With Alicent muted and removed, she seeks to cleanse herself of the dirt accumulating within the castle walls. She and a single knight venture to the woods to escape. Here, Alicent seems to release the weight of her nobility for more placid ground. All of her years of servitude for the realm — and men — have left her with nothing.

As Alicent seeks cleansing, her sons Aemond and Aegon face struggles of the crown. Her youngest must banish two knights to the Wall as retribution for their participation in the smallfolk riots. As he loses the public’s trust, his council seems weary around the Prince Regent. Lord Jasper informs Lord Larys about the whispers of a mystery dragon rider. Neither carry the word to Aemond’s ears.

Aegon is on a long road to recovery, with the assistance of the Grand Maester. Larys, who previously seemed to ally with the eldest Targaryen heir, convinces Aegon not to take his rehabilitation lightly. He pushes him daily, to strengthen his mind as well as his body.

Elsewhere, the news of Lord Grover Tully’s death brings a new lord of the Riverlands. Optimistic that his nightmare is over, Daemon welcomes the young Lord Oscar and his gift of the Riverlands’ armies. Despite his disdain for the King Consort, Oscar seeks to uphold his grandsire’s pledge for Queen Rhaenyra, but at a cost. The Riverlands follow a particular set of rules and mores, instituted by the Old Ways. The infraction imposed on the Brackens by Ser William Blackwood must be met with discipline. In a momentum shift, Oscar sentences William to pay for his crime and Daemon must deliver swift justice. Daemon is left shaken having to admit guilt and take accountability for his actions.

Later, Daemon is visited by his brother, Viserys, in his final days. He relays how he never wanted the crown and asks his brother if he still seeks its power.

At Dragonstone, Rhaenyra comes to a solution for her riderless dragon problem. After confronting the rider Seasmoke chose — Addam of Hull — Rhaenyra elects her whispers to spread the word about a search for Targaryen bastards. Soon, a collective of blonde-haired smallfolk are welcomed to her castle, including Ulf the White and Hugh the Hammer. But not everyone is pleased with this unprecedented practice.

Prince Jacaerys finds the use of lowborn bastards an abomination, soiling their noble name. Taking his grievances to his mother, he reminds her he is an illegitimate Targaryen and worries his claim to the throne could be usurped by a dragon rider of a lower class. Other opposition rises from the dragon tamers, who see the use of non-Targaryen-blooded riders as a direct ruin to their Old Valyrian ways. Neither of them accompanies Rhaenyra for the selection ceremony.

Deep within the dragons’ lair, Rhaenyra welcomes the brave souls opting to join her army of bastards. After warning them of their possible fate, Rhaenyra calls Vermithor out of the darkness before witnessing the process from higher ground. A single bastard, looking like Aegon and Aemond, walks toward the behemoth. Suddenly the silence and darkness are broken with the roar of fire. Countless lives perish as the dragon searches for its match. The last bastards standing are Ulf and Hugh. Vermithor chose the blacksmith, whose mother was King Jahaerys’ youngest daughter. Ulf stumbles into Silverwing’s lair.

The episode closes back at King’s Landing as screams of “dragon” reach Aemond’s small council. The prince views the sky as Ulf and Silverwing soar above. Infuriated, Aemond quickly bounds his way to Vhagar to chase the scoundrel. But he retreats once he sees the trio of dragons perched upon Dragonstone with Rhaenyra scowling back. Let the dance begin.

This episode set many pieces into place, bringing us closer to the calamity set to doom this divided family. Though torturous, Rhaenyra’s bet won her three more dragons bringing her count to six. And with Rhaena possibly catching a wild dragon in the Vale, Team Black could have seven. Compared to Team Green’s possible four – even with Daeron’s youngling – the Blacks are at an advantage. But the destruction to come will still rock the realm to ruins. It will be quite interesting to see how season two closes.

Rating: 9/10

Lorin Williams: TV Editor @ Mxdwn Television. Hoosier. TV enthusiast. Podcaster. Pop culture fiend.
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