Dave Season 3 episode 2 titled “Harrison Ave” opens with Dave rapping about a young crush on a girl called Brittany. He was attracted to her. Dave started talking to Brittany and they became good friends. He was very smitten with her. He was a bit of a nerd and didn’t think he would have a chance with her, so he stayed in the friend zone. Since this was an important person in his life, she might come back into his life if she didn’t move from Philadelphia. It cuts to a set where Dave is trying to make a music video of the origin of his first crush. There is financial gain if the project is successful as he could gain a female audience.
Audiences’ predictions will come true as Brittany Parker does indeed come back into his life. Dave still has a major crush on her and gets nervous. Dave lies to her that the music video isn’t about them. The actual Brittany wants to be in the music video. Dave and Brittany star as the main characters in their music video. There are some conflicts on the shoot figuring out the next scene, the casting of actors not fitting Dave’s vision, etc. It shows that Dave really cares for Brittany as he doesn’t want to make a fool of this video and their past.
Dave and Brittany talk in-between the long shoot. They need to wrap up the music video shoot as there is a time constraint. Dave’s mother is causing a bit of emotional conflict because she is anxious and doesn’t want people in her house. Beyond the shoot, Brittany asks Dave if he wants to really hang out because it’s been a very long time since they’ve seen each other. Dave feels embarrassed because one scene is explicit, and he is having emotions and hormones being close to his first love. Dave needs to stop the video and just focus on his past best friend and reconnect genuinely. If there is financial gain, however, there could be a win on both parts. Then all these awkward scenes can be a good laugh in their friendship.
At Brittany and Daves’s High-school prom, Dave ended up being the third wheel because Brittany misinformed him about her original date. Brittany didn’t want to be a villain as the scenes made her look up her own issues. Dave wanted closure and Brittany leaves because she really loved him, but Dave is an idiot. Everything blows up in his face because he was so focused on himself still selfish.
This music video appeals to his female audience as everyone deals with relationships and heartbreak.
Dave season 3 episode 2 “Harrison Ave” really puts more of Dave’s overarching intention of finding true love into perspective because “he doesn’t want to be a Brittany” and break up with a girl in a month, he really wants to find that special someone and have a lasting relationship with them.
Rating: 7/10