With the first three episodes of Loki in the books, Marvel Entertainment has decided to release a new sneak peak for what is to come in the final three installments. The video, which is about a minute and a half, runs like a trailer of sorts, giving fans plenty of new material to comb through to find what is next.
Marvel is still new to the small screen and streaming services, so their desire to drop a huge amount of new footage three episodes in shows how antsy they are to give to the fans. The midpoint runs of both Wanda Vision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier were major turning points in the shows and the same looks to be in the cards for Loki.
In the new sneak peek, a glaring question left after the third episode, “Lamentis,” seems to be answered. Via Collider, Tom Hiddleston’s (Kong: Skull Island) Loki and Sophia Di Martino’s (Yesterday) Sylvie were trapped on the planet, Lamentis-1, with no hope in sight when the screen went dark. In the new trailer, they are alive and well and seen in many different locations, meaning they escaped the planet in some manner.
Another big reveal is that the TVA will arrest Sylvie and Loki. It is unknown why but there is new footage given of Sylvie being restrained by multiple guards while Loki is only held by two.
In a great remark and a highlight of the sneak peek, Loki complains about the limited amount of attention he gets. Owen Wilson’s (Wedding Crashers) Mobius also joins them in the trailer which is a welcomed site after his absence from the third episode.
After the sneak peek, fans must be dying to get their next taste of the God of Mischief. The fourth episode of Loki arrives this Wednesday, June 30 on Disney+.