What’s next for Arrested Development?

The popular television show Arrested Development recently got a revival with a fourth season released exclusively on Netflix.  For weeks, this revival is the only thing anyone has been talking about.  Now that the season is over as soon as it began, the question remains: what’s next for Arrested Development?

Originally, Netflix aired the new season as a one-time thing.  Vulture reports Neflix’s CEO, Reed Hasting, saying that they had no intention of doing more seasons.  However, this past week he changed his mind, possibly being willing to do just that.

The possibility of an Arrested Development movie has also been discussed.  The fourth season was set up in a way that would serve as a prequel for the movie.  However, the movie has yet to get the green light.

The new season hit big the day it was released on Netflix.  Procera Networks reported that 36 percent of all devices connected to Netflix streamed at least one episode on its debut day.  However, Indiewire reports that the mixed reviews of the new episodes resulted in 6.4 percent drop in Netflix stop the following Tuesday.

Given the rating, it is possible that an Arrested Development movie may not be a safe bet.  The making of more episodes may also be risky.  At this point, the future of this show is left up to the talent, who will decide if they are willing to do more episodes or even the movie.

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