What to Expect in Defiance Season 2

The Syfy series Defiance returns in June 2014 for season 2.  According to Huffington Post, there will be many changes concerning the characters.

At Comic-Con, a panel including executive producer Kevin Murphy and stars Grant Bowler (Joshua Nolan), Julie Benz (Amanda Rosewater), Stephanie Leonidas (Irisa), Tony Curran (Datak Tarr), Jaime Murray (Stahma Tarr), Jesse Rath (Alak Tarr) and Trion Worlds’ senior game producer Rob Hill was held for the fans.  The audience was clued into the fact that when the second season returns, many of the characters will be in different places and leading different lives.

“The goal at the end the end of Season 1 was to take the chess board and flip it up and knock all the pieces all over the place. Every single character has a reset,” Murphy told the audience.

Huffington Post reports the changes to expect in Defiance season 2. One change will be seen as Datak will be away from his family for the first part of the season. What happened to him was unclear after he murdered the Earth Republic official but it “will be explored in first part of the season,” Murphy said. 

“As for Stahma, she will be experimenting with the increased power and status that her new role in the business gives her. Stahma has taken over the family with Alak as the figurehead,” Murphy said. During her time in Defiance, Stahma has been around “other women who are far more liberated,” Murray said. “Castithan men put their women in cages. She was trying to control from within the cage, but maybe this season she’ll get a taste of what it’s like in the outside world.”

“Amanda is in a dark place; her sister is missing and she lost the mayoral race. She’s also “in a new line of work — you can make of that what you will, but it’s a very interesting line of work,” Murphy said.

Fans are wondering what happened to Irisa and her story “will be front and center of the season premiere,” Murphy noted. “We will learn something about it that will raise many, many more questions.”

Before Season 2 arrives, fans can play the Defiance game to get clues about what a couple of the characters are doing (two characters from the show will be in the game between seasons — Nolan, and one other character that Hill did not name). The game will serve as something of a narrative bridge between seasons, and elements from the game will be a bigger part of the storytelling in Season 2, Murphy and Hill said.

In Season 2, the show’s world will expand to include New Los Angeles.
Sukar was scheduled to die in the razor rain episode, but actor Noah Danby “was so magnetic and wonderful and fit the top hat so well,” Murphy said, that they could not resist bringing him back to the show after that, and he’ll be back in Season 2 as well.
New Earth Republic characters include Niles Pottinger, the new provisional mayor, and Viceroy Mercado, “a grand old man of E-Rep,” Murphy said. “They have some nasty, nasty plans for Defiance,” and they are very interested in what’s down in the mines.
When Season 2 begins, Nolan is no longer lawkeeper and is out looking for Irisa. What was it like being resurrected? Old hat, really, Bowler joked — he played Jesus in a movie earlier in his career, so what occurred in the Defiance Season 1 finale was technically his second resurrection.

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