*Spoiler’s* Death Revealed in ‘How to Get Away with Murder’

Spoiler alert for the latest episode of How to Get Away with Murder!

The midseason finale aired last night, and the question we’d all been too nervous to hear the answer to was finally revealed: who was #UnderTheSheet?

Fan favorite Wes Gibbons (Alfred Enoch) was shown to be inside the house during the explosion. Even worse, Nate (Billy Brown) visited Annalise (Viola Davis) in jail to divulge the heavy news that Wes was already dead at the time of the fire.

Variety sat down to talk with Enoch about the devastating turn for his character. When asked if he knew his death was coming, Enoch mentions that he knew, but not for as long as you might think:

“Pete [Nowalk] told me around the seventh episode, so about a month and a half ago. I got a call from his assistant being like, ‘Hey can you come and talk to Pete?’ And I was like, ‘This is it.’ We were all in this state of uncertainty and nervous excitement. We were all anxious to find out. He told me and I went back and told everyone else — I told Pete that I’ve got to tell everyone else and he was like, ‘Of course you do.’ We had time to let the shock set in.”

But even then, the decision didn’t seem to come as a total surprise to Enoch, who notes:

“In the couple of days leading up to it, I thought it could be Wes. Wes would be a good person to kill because it would be surprising, but also opens up the stories in many ways and affects so many characters. So I had kind of thought it could be him, but then Aja [Naomi King] gave me a bunch of reasons why it couldn’t be Wes and she steered me away.”

Variety also mentions that Enoch will still be in the remaining half of the season, as the show will focus on who or what killed Wes. However, when asked about his involvement in season four, Enoch replied, “I genuinely know nothing about that.”

In the secretive nature of How to Get Away with Murder, the reasons for Wes’ death is even unclear to Enoch. He did volunteer these theories nonetheless:

“I do not think [Wes] killed himself. That had not even crossed my mind. I guess he’s got a lot of problems in his life and people who present a threat to him — potentially Frank, potentially Charles Mahoney. He obviously matters to Annalise so [him being killed] might not have anything to do with him. This is all entirely speculative, and I’m waiting to see where they go with that. I think that there are a lot of things that could come out of the blue. I kind of gave up on speculating what happens on the show [laughing].”

How to Get Away with Murder returns on Thursday, January 19.

Ashley Dize: I've been a nerd since I was a child, but I like to think I'm getting better as it as I'm getting older. I earned a degree in English with a minor in Film Studies from the University of Georgia in 2017, and am using my love of writing and television to share the stories of what's happening in the television industry.
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