The popular fantasy series Percy Jackson, which follows the titled character played by Walker Scobell (Adam Project) and friends trying to stop the war between the gods, showcased the first season ending with Percy defeating Ares in combat and returning the Bolt and Helm of Darkness to their rightful owners. According to Screenrant, a major update for the second season was released by the god of war, Ares, played by Adam Copeland (Money Plane), in an interview with the news outlet. The full discussion is below.
Copeland said about filming, “I mean, it felt great because the first season we filmed everything, and it felt like this is a good show, but you still don’t fully, fully know until you see the finished product. So fast-forward to December of 2023, and you see it, and we’re at the premiere and everything and my girls are there, and we watched it and it kind of blew me away.
He continued, saying, “I felt so honored to be a part of the world and the Percy Jackson world and to be brought into it. Seeing that finished product, really it hit home with me. And then once you get out and about, and you start having families come up and grandparents come up and kids coming up and asking if I am Ares or if I’m Adam Copeland and not due to wrestling, that’s when I realized the show was onto something. Now, 16 Emmy nominations later, it’s pretty mind-blowing just to be a part of the whole thing.”
According to an mxdwn post, the second season will not only have returning characters but also some brand new faces such asTamara Smart (Artemis Fowl) as Thalia, Courtney B. Vance (Heist 88) as Zeus, previously portrayed by the late Lance Reddick (John Wick) and Athena, played by Andra Day (Cars 3). While fans await further information surrounding the release and plot of the second season, the entire first of Percy Jackson is available to stream on Disney+.