The Adult Swim original animated comedy series, Rick and Morty, has reportedly begun work on the seventh season, despite season five not possessing an official timeline or date to premiere. The report from the series is that the series’ writers have begun the writing room process, via Screen Rant. This news follows the conclusion of its fourth season that was split into two parts, airing in 2019 and 2020.
Rick and Morty follows Rick Sanchez and his grandson Morty Smith on various zany intergalactic and multiverse science fiction adventures. During its run, the series has amassed immense critical acclaim and established a large and loyal fanbase as well. The series is created by Dan Harmon (Community) and Justin Roiland (Solar Opposites) and first premiered in 2013 and is known for its lengthy pauses in production between seasons. The adult animated series has aired 41 episodes over the course of its four seasons, yet the series had previously been renewed for 70 episodes in 2018.
One of the show’s writers Alex Rubens (Keanu, Key and Peele) sent out a tweet on February 20 commenting on work that is being done while also tagging his fellow writers on the animated comedy.
Currently, Harmon is in the process of creating another animated series, this time for Fox, that will center on Greek Mythology while Roiland has co-created the Hulu original animated series Solar Opposites which is preparing for its second season premiere on March 26.