Pokémon Horizons: The Series, will be marked as the 26th season in the franchise, and following from the end of Ash’s adventure in Pokemon Journey: The Series will be a special one as it will follow the perspective of the dual protagonists, Liko, voiced by Alejandra Reynoso (Castlevania), and Roy, voiced by Anjali Kunapanen (Beyblade Burst), as they embark on a journey through the Pokémon world, while meeting a group of adventurers known as Rising Volt Tacklers. According to an official statement from the Pokemon Company, the new series will premiere across markets in 2023 and beyond, and it will feature Paldea’s first partner Pokémon Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly from the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet video games.
Pokemon Horizons is set to make its televised debut in America and Canada on Feb. 23, 2024, exclusively on Netflix. The other members of the cast will be Kira Buckland(Jojo: Stone Ocean), Zeno Robbinson(The Owl House), and Crispin Freeman(Overwatch). According the Pokemon Company’s official statement, following Ash’s historic win as Pokémon World Champion, there will be several special episodes, not only to commemorate Ash’s monumental achievement but to express gratitude to all fans of the franchise who have joined him and his partner Pikachu along the way. There will be fan favorites included in the specials such as Misty, Brock, Gary, and numerous other famous characters.
Overall, Pokemon Horizons: The Series is sure to be a wonderful addition to the franchise, with its fresh new characters and intriguing storytelling. It is sure to appeal to both longtime fans of the anime and newcomers alike. The show is sure to have a great blend of action and humor that Pokemon is known for. Liko and Roy are certain to face obstacles along the way, meet new friends, and discover untold mysteries. Further information about the upcoming Pokémon animated series will be disclosed at a later date.