The critically acclaimed and genre-bending anime Oshi no Ko is set to return for a second season, much to the delight of fans. The series tells the story behind Aqua and Ruby, who were reincarnated as the children of their favorite Japanese pop idol; Ai, now after the death of the idol, the two have chosen their paths. Ruby, voiced by Alyssa Marek(Shirobako), has decided to walk in her mother’s footsteps and become an idol, while Aqua, voiced by Jack Stansbury (Haikyū), who’s set to avenge her by finding the culprit. According to Screenrant, Oshi No Ko season two just received a teaser and key visual that are sure to get fans of the series hyped for its big return.
The teaser gives us a glimpse into the next arc of the series, which is sure to hold more mystery. Like the previous season, this is sure to have a great balance of comedy, drama, and romance. The second season is expected to pick up where the first season left off, with Aquamarine and Ruby facing new challenges and opportunities in their pursuit of stardom. According to Screenrant, Oshi No Ko‘s second season is one of the most anticipated anime of 2024, with the first season being so popular that it skyrocketed manga to more than 7 million copies. This season is sure to expand the stories of not just the main character, but also to old and new side characters.
Overall, Oshi No Ko season two is sure to be a must-watch for all new and old fans of the anime. It is sure to be a thrilling continuation and to keep the fans in suspense and on their feet. There is sure to be further information about the approaching season, which would include the exact release date and trailer.