Fans of The Boys rejoice. While production on the long-awaited third season is still underway, a new animated anthology series The Boys Presents: Diabolical seeks to satiate gore-hungry fans of the series, according to avclub. Taking place within The Boys’ cinematic universe, this run of eight animated episodes at a brief 12-14 minutes each boasts a cast of A-list acting and animation cast members, including the likes of Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty), Kieran Culkin (Succession), Michael Cera (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World), Andy Samberg (Brooklyn 99), Seth Rogan (Pineapple Express) and many more.
The Boys follows Stewy, an unremarkable twenty-something whose world is totally rocked when his girlfriend is accidentally (and nonchalantly) murdered by a superhero under the employment of the Vaught Corporation. The Billy Joel enthusiast then joins with a ragtag group of people with a mutual disdain for superheroes, or ‘supes,’ who tangle with the corporate powerhouses in order to take down Vought.
This animated gore style choice follows other popular titles from the same streaming platform, including Invincible and The Legend of Vox Machina, in a format that strays from the traditional adult animation formula of goofy comedy series like Family Guy. The popularity of the animated oscar-winning anthology series Love, Death + Robots on Netflix in 2019 seemed to signal a hunger for mature animated programs that tell stories made more interesting when told through such a medium.
The series is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video, watch the trailer here: