According to Comicbook, even though Netflix’s The Sandman was renewed for a second season, it doesn’t seem like the upcoming season is named season two. Creator Neil Gaiman (Coraline)has recently offered some updates for the future of the series which has been greatly anticipated by fans. On Gaiman’s Tumblr account, a fan asked for “a little news” on the series and the upcoming episodes. Gaiman replied by stating that the scripts are in place and casting and sets are in progress.
Gaiman wrote, “Scripts are written. We are casting the first episode we will be shooting. Sets are being designed.”
According to Comicbook, one of the reasons it won’t be called, season two is because when Netflix announced more episodes were going to come out, they didn’t refer to it as season two. Cast member Mason Alexander Park (iCarly) even addressed this during Fan Expo San Francisco and stated that, no matter what the new episodes would be called they will arrive “in a really cool way”.
Park had also explained that “Netflix has not gone on record as calling it a Season 2, on purpose. And so, I will, from now on and in the future, and possibly until the end of the universe not refer to it as Season 2 until we know what it is.”
They continued, “There is more Sandman coming in a really cool way and it can take many forms, so we’re starting shooting in the summer and we’re gonna tackle the next huge chunk of stories in however long that might take. And I’m really excited to share the format of what that might be with everybody eventually.”
New episodes of The Sandman were greenlighted by Netflix but have yet to have an official premiere date.
Season one of The SandMan is currently streaming on Netflix.