Narcos Renewed for Another Two Seasons

When Eric Newman, executive producer of Netflix’s Narcos, expressed his desire to continue the series after the inevitable death of Pablo Escobar he mentioned the myriad of material left for the show to cover, like Mexico’s infamous Felix “El Padrino” Gallardo. Earlier this month, Newman, producer José Padilha, and show star Wagner Moura (Pablo Escobar) spoke on how they wanted to series to cover the “many different players and situations in the last 30 years that have defined the cocaine business”. According to Entertainment WeeklyNarcos will get the chance to tell the full story of the drug trafficking world as the series has been renewed for another 2 seasons.

Spoilers ahead:

Season 2 of Narcos was just released this past Friday, to the excitement of countless fans who were eager to dive back into the tantalizing world of drugs, violence, and mustaches. Fans of the series knew that Pablo would die this season, given the very unsubtle tagline “who killed Pablo?” During the final scene of season 2, DEA agent Javier Peña (Pedro Pascal) hinted at going after the Cali Cartel, the southern Colombia drug kingpins who broke off from Escobar and controlled over 90% of the drug market and became a multi-billion dollar empire following the weakening of the Medellín Cartel.

Newman said “I think that there’s a lot of story left to be told in Colombia. This show has always been about cocaine. We purposely did not call the show Pablo Escobar or Medellin … If somebody wants another season of the show, we would sit down and draw from the pretty massive amount of real estate and research that we’ve done and do something kind of cool.” Padilha and Newman will continue to serve as executive producers for the next two season.

Considering the heavy criticism the show has faced from members of Escobar’s family, like his brother demanding $1 billion in compensation for telling his family’s story, or his son pointing out the many inaccuracies in the show, the team behind Narcos will be glad to have a break from their madness.

Check out the teaser for season 3 of Narcos, which is scheduled for a 2017 release.


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