The anime series My Hero Academia has announced its return with a teaser trailer and visually stunning artwork drawn by creator Kohei Horikoshi (Jump Force, How Uravity Plugs Her Patreon). Both were shared on the show’s official Twitter account, exciting fans ahead of the upcoming seventh season.
My Hero Academia’s upcoming season will put the number one hero in the United States at center stage, as previously promised by the finale of season 6, according to ComicBook. My Hero Academia’s next story arc will focus on the U.S. no.1 Pro Hero, Star and Stripe, as she takes on the unstoppable villain, Tomura Shigaraki, in an intense and action-packed narrative. The western crime fighter will challenge Shigaraki, despite the villain being backed up by the power of All For One.
According to ScreenRant, there are rumors surfacing of the anime’s seventh season being its final. If the rumors are true, that means this upcoming season should cover all of the remaining events from the manga series, including the Final War arc.
The seventh season of My Hero Academia has not yet been released. However, fans can catch up on the anime on Crunchyroll.