Luke Macfarlane Talks About How He Felt Filming ‘Platonic’

Luke Macfarlane, star of Apple TV+ series Platonic, could have been in the Barbie movie. According to The Hollywood Reporter, however, scheduling conflicts with Platonic made him unable to do the role.

“It was one of those brutal things,” he said. “Yeah, the timing couldn’t work out for both. I’m not trying to sound boastful. It was a small, little part, but I’ve never been part of some beautiful, big, cool thing like that. It would have been cool to be able to do both.”

Another thing Macfarlene touched on was reuniting with Bros director Nick Stoller. “I was cast in Bros for a very long time,” he said. “There was the pandemic, and then things didn’t happen for a super long time, but we always lightly kept in touch with each other, which was just more than anything setting the groundwork for a good director-actor relationship. And then when we were filming Bros, I knew that he was pitching this show with Rose and Seth, but he never mentioned it to me really in any detail. I didn’t know much about it, other than it was really Francesca’s baby and something that felt very personal to her.”

Macfarlane also mentioned that from the onset, it was clear that Seth Rogan’s character and Rose Byrne’s character wouldn’t hook up. “It was great,” he said. “It wasn’t a love triangle situation. Not to get too heavy or deep about it, I also think anybody that saw Bros last year, anybody that knows anything about me, knows I’m an openly gay guy. The fact that that can still work in spite of what we think of the performer shows that our audience is more open-minded. I recognize I’m not a household name by any stretch of the imagination, but that it doesn’t need to be alienating that I can play a straight guy that is in a healthy relationship, that shows something about where we’ve come.”

Platonic’s first season is available to watch on Apple TV+.

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