According to TVLine, upon Jon Stewart’s (Death to Smoochy, The Problem with Jon Stewart) return to the Daily Show, the acclaimed host already spurned criticism about his perspective of President Joe Biden. Stewart started off his second debut of the Daily Show on Feb. 12th talking about if Biden or Trump are capable of serving a second term.
His follow up appearance was a review in journalistic integrity and using Tucker Carlson’s (Crossfire, Tucker Carlson Tonight) Russia segment has his example.
The history between Stewart and Carlson started in 2004 when Stewart made an appearance on CNN’s Crossfire. The Daily Show host confronted Carlson by saying the show does more bad than good. Carlson followed up by saying Stewart wasn’t being funny. Stewart replied, “You’re as big a d**k on your show as you are on any show.”
Three months later, Crossfire was cancelled by CNN. CNN President Jon Klein was quoted saying Stewart’s on-air criticism was a factor in the cancellation of the show.
According to TVLine, recently on the Tucker Carlson Network, Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin and put out a corresponding segment talking about the cleanliness of the country and how allegedly affordable grocery items are. He then took a turn to suggest the Russian political system was the way to go claiming their situation should make Americans “radicalize you against your leaders.”
Stewart took exception to Carlson’s bias towards a foreign leader that has less than favorable history with the United States.
“It will radicalize you… unless you understand basic economics,” Stewart quipped. “See, $104 for groceries sounds like a great bargain unless you realize Russians earn less than $200 a week. But that’s the kind of context that — what did you call yourself earlier? — a journalist would have provided.”
“But here’s the reality: You f–king know all of this because you aren’t as dumb as your face would have us believe,” Stewart said. “Perhaps if your handlers had allowed, you would have seen that there was a hidden fee to your cheap groceries and orderly streets. Ask [Russian opposition leader] Alexei Navalny, or any of his supporters. The difference between our urinal caked, chaotic subways and your candelabra-ed, beautiful subways is the literal price of freedom.”
“Carlson and his ilk are pushing is that there’s really no difference between our systems,” Stewart said. “In fact, there’s might be a little better. The question is why? Why is Tucker doing this? Here’s why: It’s because the old civilizational battle was communism vs. capitalism. That’s what drove the world since World War II… but now they think the battle is woke vs. un-woke — and in that fight, Putin is an ally to the right. He’s their friend. Unfortunately, he is also a brutal and ruthless dictator, so now they have to make Americans a little more comfortable with that. Liberty is nice, but… have you seen Russia’s shopping carts?”
Watch the clip below: