A new adult animated television program 10-Year-Old-Tom will be added to the collection of original content for the new streaming platform HBO Max, according to Deadline. Created by Steve Dildarian (The Life and Times of Tim), Nick Weidenfeld (Robot Chicken, Rick and Morty, The Boondocks), the series will be produced by Tomorrow Studios (Snowpiercer). Dildarian and Weidenfeld will also executive produce the series in addition to the aforementioned production studio. Currently, there is no word on any voice actors attached to the streaming series in addition to an anticipated release date.
10-Year-Old-Tom is set to follow the titular character Tom living in a corrupted home environment. The series will cover Tom and his experiences with these dangerous grownups in his life and community such as his parents, mischievous school teachers, and bus drivers that moonlight as the town’s drug dealers. Per Deadline, some of the series episodes will follow Tom’s interactions with steroids in baseball, negligence lawsuits over lemonade stands, and even health insurance fraud after a run-in with his school’s nurse. Currently, there is no announced episode count for the impending adult-animated series.
10-Year-Old-Tom is yet another piece to the puzzle of original content for the newly launched Warner Media streaming platform, HBO Max. Original programs include the likes of the Anna Kendrick-led series Love Life in addition to future additions such as Summer Camp Island and Close Enough. The streaming service has also made recent news after many subscribers to previous streaming platform HBO Now received a free upgrade to the new platform that contains 10,000 hours of the HBO content vault and other series such as Friends and The Big Bang Theory. HBO Max is currently offered at $14.99 (USD) per month.