The new animated series Marvel’s Avengers Assemble will premiere on July 7 at 11 AM with a pilot titled “A Ghost Of A Chance”. The pilot opens with Falcon coming to the Avengers for the first time. Falcon struggles to be accepted until he proves himself by stopping an invasion by Space Phantoms.
Grown-ups as well as younger Marvel fans are going to appreciate the “man vs. himself” conundrum. These ghost are dominant over the Avenger’s evil counterparts. The final scenes of the episode are lit up with the Avengers battling their evil twins, in the metaphorical “fight against themselves”, hence the title “The Ghost Inside”.
Marvel is doing what it does best, going in depth with the story-line as well as the characters as they intertwine within each other to make for one hell of a layered and interesting story. The struggles the Avengers go through often relate to deeper and more philosophical meanings, which parents will like to see for their children–Marvel fans or not.