Channel 4 excites fans with news of a season two renewal for Big Mood, according to Deadline. The drama-comedy follows two young women, Eddie played by Lydia West (Inside Man) and Maggie played by Nicola Coughlan (Bridgerton), through hardships, career desires, and challenging relationships.
Maggie and Eddie are best friends who lived together for over a decade. Season one left fans on a cliffhanger as Maggie and Eddie’s relationship is in shambles. Coughlans character is loved by fans as they can relate to her character. Maggie struggles with bipolar disorder and the show does a deep dive on how her disorder affects everyday life. These struggles often bleed into relationships. Given the show’s honesty, the audience finds it easy to relate to her character. Coughlan shares the love with fans in an article with Deadline. She states the show has been “One of the greatest joys of my life.” “Deeply grateful to everyone who loves our mad, funny, sad show”.
Despite the hard topic, the show is still able to provide a comedic twist. In the same article, writer and creator Camilla Whitehill (Whistle Through The Shamrocks) shared some difficulties when writing the comedic releif for the show. Oftentimes the message can come off wrong when taking serious topics like Maggie’s bipolar disorder and adding jokes to the context. “There’s perhaps a misconception that by using humor to explore something, you’re taking the topic less seriously.” However, Whitehill still received a positive response from viewers.
Fans gear up to tune the new episodes ready for the updates on their favorite characters. Season one focuses on Maggie’s disorder and the symptoms she faces. West portrays the supportive friend who sometimes struggles to get through to her. Despite the years of friendship the pair still faced a falling out in the previous season. Per Deasline season two kicks off with Maggie and Eddie’s reunion after a year of no contact. However, the challenges in their friendship won’t end there. Eddie shows up unannounced and is a completely new person upon their reunion. Maggie is left with trying to repair what was broken while having to learn a new version of her best friend. Tune into Tubi to catch season two.