At this point the wait between seasons of Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty is reaching Venture Bros. length, so the holiday present of season 3 footage is a welcome surprise.
The season 3 sneak peek, which features raw animation footage from an upcoming episode, was revealed on a Christmas Eve Adult Swim live stream The AV Club reports. The footage shows Rick taking Morty out of school for another inter-dimensional adventure that ends in them hilariously questioning their decisions.
It has been a decent wait between seasons of Rick and Morty with no premiere date yet set for the third season, though rumors have it pegged for sometime in spring. Season 2’s finale “The Wedding Squanchers” aired over a year ago back in early October 2015, but Mr. Poopy Butthole made sure to warn viewers that the wait between seasons would be “like a year and a half…or longer.”
In the meantime, any fans with access to an HTC Vive virtual reality headset can get a bit of their Rick and Morty fix with Accounting, a virtual reality experience Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland created with William Pugh (The Stanley Parable).