Amazon Prime Video’s original series The Legend of Vox Machina season two episode eight entitled “Echo Tree” kicks off with Liam O’Brien’s Vax’ildan and Laura Bailey’s Vex’ahlia as they return home due to their quest. As a result of this they run into their father who hates that have returned. In their minds, they know what coming back home means, that they will have to face their father’s hatred of them for being half-elves Deep down Vex has wanted her father’s approval ever since she was a child. Which is why she lets him get away with insulting her and her brother. However, by the look on her Vax’s face the viewer can tell that he no longer cares about his father’s approval. This is due to how he is protective of his sister in everything including his father. The interesting part about this is how it is revealed that they have a younger half-sister. In her mind, she does not understand the hatred her father has towards her older siblings. She sees them as her family who she wants to get to know better as she rarely sees them. The viewer can assume that she may not have the same prejudices their father has against half-elves. This is demonstrated by how she treasures the feather Vex gives her and smiles at them both.
Additionally, the viewer sees Travis Willingham’s Grog, Ashley Johnson’s Pike Trickfoot, and Sam Riegel’s Scanlan Shorthalt as they try to help Grog restore his body back to how it was. In his mind, Grog feels completely useless as his strong body is what made him who he was. Now that it was weakened due to him choosing his friends over power he feels as if he is a nobody. Deep down he feels as if he does not belong with the team anymore as he cannot fight as he used to and is afraid, they will abandon him. What is fascinating about this is how he keeps failing to see that his friends do not care about him being weekend as they love him regardless, especially Pike. In her mind, she does not care about Grog being weak if he is healthy. Deep down she is glad that he no longer relies on his cursed sword. This is a result of the sword trying to take over his mind and body. Now he is free she can help him regain his strength without any short cuts that could lead to death.
At the end of the episode, Vex fights a monster that preys on her insecurities with her father. During this the viewer gets a glimpse into her deepest desire for her father’s approval. Luckily, she comes to her senses and fights back with her strength of will. In her mind, when she got the approval from the monster, she knew it truly was not what she wanted. Deep down she knew she never needed anyone’s approval to be happy. She sees her team as her new and true family and no longer feels alone. This is due to the countless adventures she has had with them as well as the bond they have created as a family. It is because of this that when she acquires a new holy bow, she chooses to leave instead of showing her father and earning his approval.
Rating: 8.5/10