The third episode picks up right where episode two ended. Kraze is holding two guns at Tazer, and they are shocked to see him as he is in prison. Masher, the drug dealer from before, blames Twosie and Skreamer for stealing his drugs as he couldn’t see Tazer due to his powers. Kraze talks about killing them, but Tazer wants to fight individually. They agree, and Tazer handily beats Masher. While celebrating with his friends, a gunshot rings out, and Tiny is shot in the back by Kraze.
In the next scene, Dionne makes Michael coffee and prepares to go to work. She urges him to stay home to rest, but Michael must take his mother to the sickle cell center; this shows the regular human issues that Michael must deal with. Dionne leaves and Michael begins practicing his powers by teleporting throughout his bedroom. He then teleports into his van and calls his friend, whose name is revealed to be Gabriel. He asks for the date and year. Gabriel says it’s April 18th, 2024. Michael was trying to travel back to the future but was unsuccessful. He teleports back home defeated. He texts Twosie about his meeting with Tazer but gets no answer.
In the next scene, Dionne is driving to work and hears a news report about the rise of missing people. She then knocks on a door, and it’s revealed to be Tazer’s grandmother. Dionne is a social worker looking for Tazer’s mother, Kemi Amusan. Tazer’s grandmother doesn’t initially trust Dionne, but Dionne’s charm and disposition get her in the house. The two talk and it’s revealed that Kemi left because she could do things that humans couldn’t do and that people are coming after her. We see a picture of her, and it’s revealed that Kemi is the woman who was killed in the opening scene of the pilot.
In the next scene, we see Kemi’s body, and some medical personnel are taking her blood. We then cut to Sabrina getting a brain scan. She is told there is nothing abnormal with her brain. Sabrina then returns to work and is working on a patient; however, she is distracted and keeps hurting him until he complains. A fellow nurse urges Sabrina to visit a patient named Mrs. Miller, the patient from the pilot, and she goes to give her medicine. Mrs. Miller notices the dose is too much, but Sabrina says it’s the same amount she always gets. However, when she looks again, it’s clearly too much. Sabrina begins to have a panic attack in a supply closet, and the objects around her start to rise. Sabrina leaves the hospital and, in her daze, is almost hit by a car, but Andre and the two save her and have a brief conversation.
We then cut to Shar on her computer working on her dissertation. Sabrina comes home in a panic and explains everything that has happened. Sabrina tells Shar about her powers. Shar tries to convince Sabrina to go out with her, but Sabrina rebuffs her and goes to her room.
The next scene shows Tiny in the hospital, hooked up to a breathing tube, and Tazer and his friends are in the room with Tiny’s parents. They leave and agree it’s time to kill Kraze. It’s also revealed that Kraze was Tazer’s mentor. Twosie asks why Tazer didn’t use his powers, and Tazer reveals he tried, but they wouldn’t work. Twosie’s phone rings, and it’s Michael. Twosie complains, and Tazer tells him to ignore it, and they leave.
We then cut to Michael and his mother, Tina, in the sickle cell center. Michael is distracted, but Tina likes the place. They meet with the woman who runs the center, Victoria, from the pilot. Michael and Tina are walking, and Tina notices that Michael is not himself. He lies and claims that he is just nervous about his upcoming wedding. Tina tells him that Dionne is perfect for him and not to be nervous.
The next scene is Andre and his son, AJ, walking home. AJ laughs, and Andre tells him he laughs exactly like his grandfather. AJ doesn’t remember him that well and asks what he died of, and it’s revealed to be sickle cell. AJ asks if they have the gene, and Andre tells him they don’t. They go home and AJ is greeted by the Kraze’s gang member from the last episode, Big Braggs. Andre walks over to them and warns them to stay away from his son. Braggs then shows off his gun, and Andre’s eyes glow, but he doesn’t use his powers.
We then cut to Michael waiting on a street corner where he finally sees Tazer. Michael confronts Tazer and his gang and teleports in front of Tazer. Michael mentions Andre, Rod, and Sabrina, but Tazer doesn’t know who they are. The gang urges Michael to leave and he does. Michael then teleports to Gabriel’s club, and Gabriel finally believes Michael about his powers. Gabriel then tells Michael to try to find Rod, as he is the only one other than Tazer on whom he has a lead.
In the next scene, Rod runs around his room, showing off his powers to Spud. Rod tries to run on the ceiling but falls, hitting his head on the glass table. Spud calls emergency services, but Rod has superspeed healing. Rod begins to use his powers for his drug deals, much to the chagrin of Spud, but Rod blows him off. We then see Michael ask for drugs, hoping to find Rod, but he is rejected by almost everyone except Tom, who gives him Spud’s number; Michael then leaves.
In the next scene, Shar is getting ready to go out when Kraze, who happens to be her ex-boyfriend, comes over. She tries to rebuff him, but he charms her with an expensive watch. Sabrina reacts angrily. Kraze leaves, and Sabrina confronts him. It’s in this confrontation that it’s revealed that Kraze was physically abusive towards Shar. She threatens him and then agrees to go out with Shar as Kraze will be at the club they are going to.
We then see Tazer visit Tiny in the hospital. He tells him that he is going to kill Kraze for what he did to Tiny. Tiny tells him not to but to keep visiting him. This scene reveals Tazer’s humanity; as you can see, he is torn up by what happened to his friend. In the next scene, Andre breaks into a scrap yard and begins to practice his powers by destroying old cars. He calls his friend, John, and he shows him his powers.
In the next scene, Rod returns to Spud with cash. Spud urges Rod not to use his powers for personal gain, but Rod blows him off and continues to run throughout South London, which is caught on several security cameras. We then see Michael return home, where Dionne tells him about Tazer’s mother. He rebuffs her and yells at her, and she walks away. He also receives a text about his weed and he leaves to go meet with Rod.
In the next scene, Sabrina and Shar are at the club, where Shar flirts with a man named Kadeem. Sabrina also runs into Kevin, who rejects her. The scene then cuts to Rod waiting for Michael, and a wormhole opens. A man in a hood with fire coming out of his hands attacks Rod, whose powers don’t work, but Michael saves him and then teleports to the club. Gabriel hides them and Rod asks what is going on. Michael agrees to tell him only if he helps him.
We cut to the next scene. Shar and Kadeem begin to make out, but Shar doesn’t want to go any further. Kadeem grows angry, hitting Shar and attempts to assault her. Sabrina stops the attack, beating up Kadeem. Shar and Sabrina run away, but in a shocking twist, Kadeem reveals he powers and can fly. He tries to attack the girls, but Sabrina uses her powers and throws him into the wall, killing him. They leave and his hand begins to glow. It cuts to the agency, where Kadeem’s picture and the words deceased flash on his picture. Cut to black.
This episode might be the strongest one yet. Supacell does an amazing job of connecting things, and it all makes sense in the end. The episode shows this well, striking a curiosity in you to want to continue watching and see what happens to these five people whose lives have changed forever. This episode was an amazing master class of storytelling and character development.
Rating 10/10.