Season 1, Episode 5 focuses on the rest of X-Men after last week’s episode. Half of the episode focuses on Jean and Scott back at the mansion as they try to understand where their relationship stands as reporter Tish Tilby grills them over mutants integrating society. The second half of the episode focuses on Magneto, Rogue, and Gambit as they travel to the mutant nation of Genosha, and what comes of their festivities during their stay. This episode takes a complete tonal shift from the prior episodes, making this the darkest and most gritty of the episodes released thus far. Once the episode gets going it is a non-stop thrilling ride, filled with moments that will leave fans shocked and wondering what will happen next.
Showrunner Beau DeMayo is at the peak of his powers in this episode. He is able to handle all of the X-Men characters in a way that allows for each character to have a moment, leaving fans excited to see their favorite characters. Not only does he manage the screen time of each character perfectly, but he also takes the characters through a very deep and dark emotional journey in this episode, really putting his characters to the test and breaking them down unlike ever before. The writing is smart and witty while keeping the dialogue real and unique for each character in the episode.
The animation takes another step up in this episode, allowing each character’s powers to shine in a new way. The action sequences are incredible. Every punch feels painful, and every explosion feels impactful, making audiences believe that none of the characters are safe. The colors are vibrant, and the contrast of the heroes and their environments help each character stand out on screen for fans to see more easily.
Overall, X-Men ‘97 Season 1 Episode 5 is the best episode of the season thus far. It improves in every aspect, while exponentially growing and developing the overarching story of the show.
Rating: 9/10