Season 7, Episode 2, titled “True Heart,” directed by George Samilski and written by Joe Corcoran, continues the Netflix series The Dragon Prince. This episode delves into King Ezran’s inner conflict as he grapples with his responsibilities and decisions, while Team Aaravos embarks on a journey to the Puzzle House in search of the map to the Garden of Innocents.
The central theme of this episode revolves around innocence. As children, we experience a sense of pure innocence and naïveté that allows us to find joy in life. However, not all children can retain this innocence due to the environments they grow up in. As people mature, they face challenges that require difficult choices, transforming them from purely innocent beings into morally complex individuals. This complexity can be either positive or negative, but it often creates an emptiness within the human soul, allowing cynicism and nihilism to take hold. Nevertheless, there is hope: humanity has the strength to rediscover its innocence and achieve redemption in various ways.
The Katolis Council
The Kingdom of Katolis relocates to the Banther Lodge to recover from Sol Regem’s attack. Rayla (Paula Burrows) argues with a hardened King Ezran (Sasha Rojen) over Runaan’s imprisonment. Furious, Rayla storms out while Ezran and Callum (Jack DeSena) attend a council meeting with Opeli (Paula Burrows), Soren (Jesse Inocalla), Corvus (Omari Newton), and Barius (Jason Simpson). Queen Aanya (Zelda Ehasz) attends to represent the Kingdom of Durin.
The council’s discussion focuses on Katolis’s reconstruction. Barius and Callum suggest involving the citizens in rebuilding their new homes to foster unity. Queen Aanya agrees to lend her people’s support, recalling how Katolis once aided Durin. However, she advises Ezran to prioritize building proper military defenses before reconstruction, and Ezran concurs. After the meeting, Callum confronts Ezran, attempting to reignite his younger brother’s capacity for forgiveness.
Later, Rayla breaks Runaan out of imprisonment but is confronted by King Ezran, Soren, Corvus, and the Katolis soldiers. Callum intervenes, helping Rayla and Runaan escape. However, they are nearly captured by Queen Aanya and her troops. Ezran ultimately allows them to flee, but the soldiers continue their pursuit until the trio escapes via boat. Callum, aware that his actions may cost him his position as High Mage, reassures Ezran that he will always remain his brother.
The Magical Map
Aaravos (Erik Dellums), Claudia (Racquel Belmonte), and Terry (Benjamin Callins) arrive at the Puzzle House, which Aaravos finds both intriguing and entertaining. The magical map to the Garden of Innocents lies hidden in the Puzzle House’s secret basement. Aaravos finds the intricate riddles and contraptions leading to the basement both annoying and fascinating. The carousel ride is the most fun he’s had in three lonely centuries of imprisonment.
Upon reaching the basement, Claudia is shocked to find that she cannot see the map’s contents. To her confusion, only Terry can decipher the map. Aaravos telepathically explains to Claudia that the map’s magic was designed to be readable only by those with a true and innocent heart. This protection spell, bestowed by the unicorns, prevents those who are evil or morally complex from entering their realm. Aaravos further reveals that Claudia could see the map as a child because all children possess innocence and purity. However, as people grow up and make difficult, complex decisions and sacrifices, their childhood innocence fades, becoming little more than a memory.
Rating: 9/10