Review: ‘The Dragon Prince’ Season 6 Episode 1 “Startouched”

Season 6, Episode 1 of the Netflix series The Dragon Prince, titled “Startouched,” is directed by George Samilski and penned by the show creators, Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond. The episode begins with a flashback thousands of years ago of Aaravos (Erik Dellums) mourning the death of his daughter, Leola, at the Sea of the Castout and is comforted by another Startouch Elf, the Merciful One (Hanna Hofer). The Merciful One tells Aaravos, “We are, all of us, stardust, held together by love, for an instant.” This phrase is used to comfort Aaravos as both colossal entities, the size of small mountains, give their respects to Leola’s death before parting ways. 

The Sacrifice

In the present day at the Sea of the Castout, Terry (Benjamin Callins) finds out Viren (Jason Simpson) is alive and survived past his 30-day time limit. Both are so overjoyed that they wanted to tell Claudia (Racquel Belmonte) the news. Viren claimed that Aaravos had lied but Claudia reveals the truth both through her words and through what she had done. Around her is a blood drawn Blood of a Child dark magic ritual she used, under Aaravos’ guidance, to sacrifice Sir Sparklepuff’s life to save Viren’s. Viren sees the blood symbol across the sand and the corrupted form of Claudia: skin that is pale gray, with purple-gray markings formed around her eyes. There is blood across Claudia and this horrified a father who does not wish his daughter to sacrifice everything for her parents. It should be the other way around. 

Viren even notices Claudia’s amputated limb Rayla gave her when they fought underwater a day ago. Everything Claudia did for Viren and the amputated leg shocked the latter so much that he is immediately reminded how his evil actions led to the suffering of his family and the lives of others. Thus, Viren makes the decision to return to Katolis and answer for his crimes as a murderer, manipulator, and an abuser of power. Claudia screams and begs her father not to waste his second chance at life being imprisoned to the end of his life. She also asks that her father repay Aaravos for giving him a second chance at life by helping to free the fallen Startouch Elf. 

Despite this, Viren is adamant to atone for his sins and end his time as Aaravos’ accomplice. He says his goodbyes to Claudia and heads back west to Katolis on foot. Claudia tries to stop him but cannot due to having only one leg and being in so much pain. She screams but is helpless as her father leaves. This is painful as this is the last time Viren ever saw his daughter. This is another bad move of Viren as he should be comforting Claudia and helping her heal her lost limb before atoning for his sins. Redeemed or not, Viren is a flawed man whose pride broke his family and loved ones apart. 

Angry with what has happened, Claudia hates how everyone leaves her: her mother, her brother, and her father. As a result, she plans to do the same with Terry out of fear of him deciding to leave her one day. This shocks Terry who mournfully vows to wait for Claudia to return if she ever needs help. 

Secret Meeting

The Dragon Prince has its own Council of Elrond moment when Team Zym, including Opeli (Paula Burrows) and Barius (Jason Simpson), meet to discuss what to do with the Pearl, somewhat akin to the One Ring, which holds Aaravos and his magical prison. Soren (Jesse Inocalla) even funnily states they should form the Fellowship of the Pearl and have a quest to throw it into a volcano. These references are nice call-backs to Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings story considering how Aaravos is technically Sauron in his Annatar-guise. 

The meeting concludes with Team Zym uncertain of what to do when the only option is King Ezran (Sasha Rojen) stating that they should keep it safe in Katolis where no one will know of its existence. That’s an idea but it is pretty bad since the Archdragons tried to keep it safe in the Sea of the Castout but the Pearl was found anyway. 

Later, Callum (Jack DeSena), on top of the castle walls, is still conflicted on what must be done with Aaravos’ prison. He talks with Rayla (Paula Burrows) and he thinks the Celestial Elves, an ancient sect of Skywing Elves who study the Stars, might have the answers. They must travel to the Frozen Sea and find the Starscraper where the Celestial Elves live. The Starscraper is also where the Corona of the Heavens and the Nova Blade are located. The Corona of the Heavens is a crown with three Quasar Diamonds, star magic gems. These three diamonds can be used to help free Rayla’s parents with the right magical spell. Additionally, the Nova Blade is a star sword capable of killing a Startouch Elf according to a poem in Lux Aurea’s Great Bookery. 

The three Quasar Diamonds are another The Lord of the Rings reference to Feanor’s Silmarils. The story of the Silmarils is that they are three jewels that hold the essence of the Two Trees of Valinor, Laurelin and Telperion, during the Years of the Trees of the First Age. They were the most prized of all the wonders crafted by the Elves and were coveted by many. It was said that the fate of Arda was woven about the Silmarils. The Quasar Diamonds are the only three magical gems that hold the primal powers of the Stars which make them prized artifacts. It is ironic that the three Quasar Diamonds are placed in the Corona of the Heavens which is what Morgoth, the first dark lord of Middle Earth, had done when he placed the Silmarils on his crown. 

Callum is Possessed

Later at night, Aaravos possesses Callum while the High Mage is sleeping. Aaravos, in Callum’s body, closes his body as if he was sleep-walking to avoid revealing the possessed glowing eyes. He walks down into Viren’s laboratory where he discovers the Pearl. Satisfied knowing the Pearl’s location, he releases his control over Callum, but not before the latter sees a vision of himself in Aaravos’ prison. 

Callum wakes up and sees Aaravos’ book collection: Poetica Cosmica, Realms Beyond Time, The Four Ancient Gifts, and many more. It is likely Aaravos wrote all these books during his studies as a Startouch Elf in Xadia and across space and time. After investigating the room and seeing Aaravos’ prison, Callum panics and calls Rayla to help. They discuss their next steps and prepare to go take the Pearl to the Starscraper. Before they leave, Callum asks Barius to make a fake Pearl out of candy as a decoy if anyone comes to find it in Katolis. Unfortunately, Aaravos possesses Callum again to have him take the fake Pearl with him and leave the real Pearl behind. Callum is really having a bad day. 

Callum and Rayla depart to the Starscraper and they say their goodbyes to Ezran who has to stay behind to rule Katolis. On the other hand, Soren is sent alongside Zym to find Zubeia who has gone missing. The two are aided by Pyrrah, both in flight and navigation, to track the Dragon Queen’s location. However, the search party is in need of one more member: Corvus. 

Rating: 9/10

Ryan Seun Woo Kwon: I am currently pursuing a major in Film & Media with a minor in History & Creative Writing at the University of California, Berkeley. Growing up in Portland, Shanghai, and Seoul has given me a multicultural perspective that I use to view social and historical events. With a strong passion for TV and film, wish to explore opportunities in narrative development, story writing, and production.
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