Review: ‘Supacell’ Season 1, Episode 2: “Tazer”

After the explosive ending to the pilot episode, the second episode opens with a frightened Dionne looking for Michael, who had disappeared right in front of her. Michael returns and immediately writes down the names Andre, Tazer, Rod, and Sabrina. Dionne questions Michael, and he reveals to her that he is going to the future.  The following scene cuts to Andre, who is still reeling from punching an ATM so hard that a brick wall broke. Andre then reaches into his pockets and takes out wads of cash; he stole the money from the ATM and is now going to use it to provide for his son.


In the next scene, Rod is still in Scotland and is trying to use his powers to get back home with no luck. He sits down on the curb and sees a man smoking weed. He offers the man his weed, and they compare. Rod then asks how much money a train ticket back to London is; the man tells him the price, and Rod sells him drugs for the amount of the train ticket.

Now, we are back to Sabrina; she is checking on Kevin after throwing him into a brick wall with her mind. Her sister, Shar, wants to leave as she doesn’t care about Kevin, but Sabrina refuses. The scene shows Sabrina’s kindness, which was established in the pilot. Even though Kevin has wronged her, she can’t leave him like this. Shar urges Sabrina to go when they hear sirens, and Sabrina realizes that she has no explanation for what happened, so they leave.

In the next scene, Dionne is sleeping, and Michael looks at the list of names and the date of Dionne’s death; he thinks back to his conversation with his future self. Future Michael tells present Michael that the men in the hoods did this to Dionne. Future Michael explains to present Michael that his being there is an advantage, and he can stop this from happening. Present Michael begins to panic, and his eyes glow amber gold; his future self calms him down, and he tells him to find Andre, Sabrina, Rod, and Tazer and not to let the men in the hoods get to them; if one dies, she dies.

Present Michael teleports away, and Michael is still looking at the list. He leaves and goes to visit his friend late at night. They are in his friend’s bar, and Michael explains to his friend what happened. His friend urges Michael to use his powers, but Michael can’t. This causes his friend to believe that Michael just had a vivid dream, and he is having jitters about being engaged.

In the next scene, Tazer and his gang watch a live video of rival gang member Chuckie cracking jokes and antagonizing Tazer. Chuckie is the one who stabbed Tazer in the pilot. Tazer goes to tell his friend, Skreamer, something, but they are interrupted by the gang members, who show them Chuckie making another video, still goading Tazer. They go to the area and bully a young man; however, it’s revealed the man is a rival gang member set up by Chuckie’s gang. Outnumbered, the gang separates; Chuckie and several gang members trap Tazer, and Tazer reveals his powers: he can turn invisible. He attacks the gang members and critically injures Chuckie. Skreamer sees this and is disturbed, not by the violence but by Tazer’s powers. The scene cuts to a security camera, and we see people watching it.

Following this, Shar is doing Sabrina’s hair, who called in sick from work for the first time, and they discuss what happened with Kevin, who is revealed to be okay after Sabrina’s outburst. The two share a tender moment and show their bond as sisters. After this,  Andre is walking with his son, AJ, and is stopped by a man who asks about his internet provider; while this is happening, a group of guys greets his son, and one of them gives AJ his number. Andre stops this, assumes they are in a gang, and tells AJ they will use him, so he makes AJ delete the number.

Cut to Rod and Spud; Rod is telling Spud about his powers, who doesn’t believe him. Rod tries to show Spud his powers, but they don’t work. Spud goes into a store, and Rod flirts with a woman, who completely ignores him.  Rod then sees a police officer coming to give him a parking ticket, and his powers finally appear. He seems to have control over them now.

Cut to Michael in the shower. He hears about Tazer’s attack on the gang and now knows he must find Tazer. Dionne looks at him worriedly. We then see Tazer visit Skreamer, and he reveals that his powers showed up a week prior and that he can control them. Skreamer expresses his support for Tazer, and they begin talking about plans to make the city theirs and outdo a man named Kraze.

We then see Michael confront two of Tazer’s gang members. They are suspicious, but one of the gang members named Twosie gives him his number and agrees to pass the message to Tazer. before Michael can leave, the Sixers attack  the rival gang and Michael is almost shot, but he freezes time and escapes with his life. He returns to a horrified Dionne, who begs him to leave this be and to stay safe. Michael agrees but then texts Twosie. We then cut to Tazer and his gang celebrating after using his powers to steal drugs from a man named Masher. Masher comes to the party, and there is a standoff; a man comes through with two guns, and it’s revealed to be Kraze. Cut to Black.

Overall, this is a strong follow-up to the pilot. We get to see the reactions of the five different people with their powers, and we now have to see how they will come together. With a strong story, strong acting, and strong writing, Supacell is on its way to being a contender for the show of the summer.


Rating: 9/10


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