Review: ‘Supacell Season 1, Episode 5 “Rodney”

After the tension-filled ending of the last episode, we pick up where we left off—Andre, Sabrina, Taser, and Rod, all in the same place. Tazer asks where Kraze is. Andre tries to leave, but Tazer shoots his gun.  The bullet ricochets off the safe Andre is holding, and Rod and Sabrina must use their powers to avoid getting shot. Andre attacks Tazer and leaves. The rest of the group leaves as Tazer’s gang comes in. The gang fears that Kraze will seek retribution for the attack. 

After a brief scene revealing that the five are being watched, Michael is still in the sickle cell center with his mother. She is in constant pain and is having what sickle cell sufferers call a crisis. The nurses come in, and Michael must wait outside. 

We then see a brutally beaten Spud in the hospital as a distraught Rod in tears sits by his side. Braggs beat up Spud so severely that he may not wake up. Rod then leaves the hospital room and runs into Sabrina. The two’s talk ends with Rod asking Sabrina to look after Spud. Rod then uses his powers and runs away. 

Next, we see Rod speed up to a suburban home and knock on the door. A white woman answers the door and is revealed to be his mother. The two catch up, and in the conversation, we learn that Rodney, which is his full name, is hated by his stepfather, Gregg. Rod implies Gregg is racist and the reason why he moved into a hostel at sixteen.  Rod asks to stay at her house, but she declines, and he runs off. Rod returns home, and in a rage, destroys the cell phone he uses to sell drugs. 

In the next scene,  Michael is woken by his phone ringing. It was Dionnechecking on his mother. Michael then leaves her a voicemail and promises to tell her everything, including his exploits to find the others and her impending death.  We then see Tazer walking when his phone rings; it’s Kraze, and he cryptically tells him to check on his grandmother. Tazer runs home and finds it ransacked and his grandmother in agony on the floor. 

Cut to an excited Sabrina calling her sister, as she received the promotion she wanted, but she is in bed with Kraze. Kraze abruptly leaves when two women beep their horns. Shar angrily confronts him, but Kraze puts his hand around her throat and leaves. Shar calls Sabrina and tells her that she is tired of men mistreating her, and she grabs a knife and leaves the apartment. 

We then see Dionne meet with a woman named Mrs. Johnson. They met in the previous episode, where it was revealed that Jasmine, her daughter, had powers and was taken away. Dionne admits that Michael has power as Mrs. Johnson’s husband comes out and tells Dionne he had sickle cell, but Jasmine healed him. 

We then see Michael back at his home where Dionne arrives. Michael tries to tell Dionne everything, but he keeps getting interrupted. Dionne tells him about Jasmine, and then Rod comes by and tells him he will help him find the others. In this conversation, Dionne finds out that Michael has lied to her, and Michael tells her she must go with Rodney.

In the next scene, Tazer joins his gang and they talk about how Kraze crossed a line going after Tazer’s grandmother. The rest of the gang fears for the lives of their mothers, as Kraze has shown he is willing to go that far. While driving, they see Veronica, the woman who set them up in the pilot. They confront her, and she begins to taunt them until an angry Tazer begins to beat her, but is pulled back by his gang, who are frightened by his behavior. The gang drives off in silence. 

Following this, Rod and Michael await Andre’s friend, John. John comes out of the store and Rod and Michael confront him. He denies knowing Andre, but after Rod and Michael threaten him, he gives them Andre’s phone number and leaves. We then see Shar’s phone lying on the side of the road. It shows a worried Sabrina is calling asking Shar to call her back. 

In the next scene, Tazer and his gang are waiting outside a house, which Tazer reveals to be Kraze’s mother’s house; the gang, particularly Twosie, is uncomfortable about bringing Kraze’s mother into this, but they remind him about Tazer’s grandmother. Tazer tells them that they are waiting for Kraze as he checks on his mother daily, and this is their chance to catch him. 

We then cut to Rod and Michael; they are waiting for Andre to return to his apartment. While waiting, Rod tells Michael about Spud and asks Michael if he could rewind time and make sure Spud doesn’t get beat up. Michael says he doesn’t know if he can. Rod then tells Michael he is trying to save someone he cares about, and Michael angrily reveals that he is doing the same. After a brief cut to where agents are watching the two, Rod finally realizes and understands Michael’s urgency to find the others. Andre finally calls and asks to meet. 

Next, we see Andre getting ready to leave to meet Michael and Rod.  John tries to convince Andre that this is a setup, but he realizes that Andre still needs to open the safe. Andre uses his powers to open the safe and is crushed when he realizes that it is empty. 

We then see the gang still waiting outside Kraze’s house Suddenly, the cops arrive as if someone has called them Tazer uses his powers to escape, and the police arrest the rest of the gang as the drug dog finds the drugs they have been hiding.  We then see Andre going to meet Michael and Rod, but a man in a hood attacks him; he tries to fight back but is overpowered and taken. 

We then cut to Sabrina, who calls Shar’s friends as Shar is still missing. While this is happening, Rod and Michael show up, telling her that Andre was taken by the men in the hood. Realizing that Tazer can help her find Kraze, she asks where he is. Tazer is walking, as another hooded figure attacks him.He fights back when another one shows up. Luckily, Sabrina, Rod, and Michael show up and save him as the four stand together. Cut to Black.

Overall, this was a great episode; it’s a robust setup for the finale. The focus on Rodney was excellent, adding dimension to his character. Supacell once again does what it does best: focus on the characters. The characters are complex, deep, and fleshed out. The dynamic between the five main characters is interesting, as it is one of common ground and mistrust, but this episode leaves them with one thing they cannot deny: they are in this together. 


Rating: 9/10


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