Review: ‘Supacell’ Season 1, Episode 4 “Andre”

After the end of the third episode, we see the fallout of Sabrina’s actions. Sabrina and Shar are in a cab. Shar disbelieves that Sabrina is telling the truth about her powers and apologizes for not believing her. Sabrina intends to turn herself in, but Shar, in a moment of vulnerability, reveals her fear of losing Sabrina and her horror of what occurred moments ago; Sabrina agrees to not turn herself in and be by her sister’s side. 

We then cut to Rod and Michael, who were still in the club’s back room. Michael tries to convince Rod to help him, but a rattled Rod accuses Michael of setting him up saying that Michael’s problems aren’t his problems. Michael repeats that the five must find each other but doesn’t reveal that it’s to save Dionne. Michael yells at Rod, but Rod blows him off and leaves. Michael is at a loss as two people he needs to find have just rejected him. 

We then cut to Andre struggling to put on a tie for a job interview, as his son, AJ, laughs and helps him. AJ asks what prison was like; Andre responds  he felt like an animal in a cage, but the worst part was that he couldn’t see AJ.  He  was afraid that AJ would forget he was his father. AJ tells Andre he’ll always be his dad. as leaves for school.  Suddenly, there’s  a knock on the door. it turns out it’s debt collectors, which makes Andre grows angry as his eyes start to glow. He clenches his fist as the officer reminds him they can use force if they feel threatened. At that very moment, AJ returns, forgetting his jacket, and sees what’s happening. AJ offers the officers his brand-new phone and all the things Andre had bought for him. Andre  gives them the rest of the money he stole from the ATM, and the officers return AJ’s things and leave. Andre sits down on his bed as AJ checks on him. 

In the next scene, Sabrina leaves a note next to a sleeping Shar; it’s clearly a goodbye letter; as she is going to turn herself in, Sabrina heads down to the police station and tells the officer she has information about the murder at the club last night. The officer has no idea what she is talking about, and another officer tells her that it was just a drunk and disorderly call. Sabrina then quickly leaves.

We see Michael entering a restaurant where Spud and Rod await him. Work calls Michael, but he ignores it. Rod tells Michael that Spud has urged him to help. Spud asks about Rod in the future, and Michael reveals he can manipulate electricity. Spud then talks about the butterfly effect and explains that Michael’s going into the future could’ve changed the outcome Michael is trying to prevent.  It could also affect the outcomes of Rod, Sabrina, Taser, and Andre. Rod gently rebuffs Michael and apologizes for being rude at the club; Rod and a disappointed Spud leave. 

Sabrina returns to the alley of the club and sees that there is no crime scene, just some blood on the brick wall. She then returns home where Shar is still sleeping. Sabrina expresses doubt about Kadeem’s death, and a frightened Shar believes he will come back. But Sabrina claims she will kill him for real this time and they embrace. 

Meanwhile, Andre is walking down the street to his job interview at a store called One Below. The interview goes well until the supervisor asks why he had so many short-term jobs on his resume. Andre reveals he was fired for not initially disclosing his criminal record for drug dealing.  Andre opts to be honest this time tells the employer about his criminal history. 

Next, we see Andre walking into Gabriel’s club to meet with his friend, John. he didn’t get the job, and Andre asks if John knows what it’s like being a parent unable to support their child.  John urges Andre to rob another ATM, he refuses. John then tells Andre about a safe with filled cash at a drug house.  John preys on Andre’s hatred of drug dealers and urges him to steal the money. John says the drug dealers act like they are untouchable and no average person can stop them; John then tells Andre that he is not normal. 

As John leaves to go to the bathroom, Michael enters in the background, unaware that Andre is sitting in the booth in front of him. Michael is now the main focus of the scene, as he sits down and talks to Gabriel. The camera then shows a split view of Andre and Michael. Gabriel asks what happened with Rod, and Michael tells him that Rod is uninterested. Gabriel then asks if Michael told him about Dionne, and Michael says no. The camera then splits again, showing Andre and Michael. Gabriel suggests Michael use his work database as a delivery driver to find Andre and Sabrina. However, Michael reveals that there is no database. 

We then cut to Tazer walking through a park to meet Kraze. Kraze asks if Tazer is still mad about what happened to Tiny. Tazer says Tiny may not walk again, but Kraze retorts that he’s still alive. Kraze then urges Tazer to reunite with him saying he needs him back. Tazer rejects him claiming Kraze was never his brother. and that he can’t forget Kraze for shooting Tiny. Tazer tells Kraze that the next time he sees him, he is going to kill him. Kraze gets into Tazer’s face and whispers in his ear, not if he kills him first. He then walks away. 

Next, we see Andre and John walking to the drug house. Andre \ scopes out the operation to see what he is dealing with.  Blown away by what he sees, Andre also spots Braggs as John buys drugs, Andre sneaks away to see the room where they keep the money. Andre and John walk back to their car, and Andre reveals his thoughts about the operation. Andre is happy he didn’t see any guns and notices that there are two entrances. They agree to rob the place tonight. 

Meanwhile, Kraze and Masher are talking in the warehouse. Masher blames Braggs for their money shortage and is convinced he is stealing their drugs for himself. However, it’s revealed Rod is stealing their customers promising delivery within five minutes, or the drugs are free. Masher then questions Braggs about his abilities and his toughness. 

We then cut to Rod and Spud. They have stopped selling drugs due to Rod’s speed disappearing. Spud tells Rod that he should’ve helped Michael, but Rod tells him to give it a rest. All the while this is happening, the phone is ringing non-stop with customers looking for drugs. Rod expresses disbelief in Michael’s story, but Spud doesn’t. Spud finally answers the phone to reject the customer but is shocked by the amount of drugs the customer wants. He agrees to meet, not knowing the customers are Kraze and Braggs planning the set-up. 

We return to Sabrina and Shar. Someone begins knocking aggressively on the door, and Sabrina and Shar are scared it’s Kadeem. Sabrina opens the door to tell off the person off and finds it is Michael. Michael tells Sabrina about the future and how he knows about her. While this happens, Shar finds Sabrina’s letter and believes she will abandon her. Sabrina agrees with Michael’s plan to meet the other powered people. 

In the next scene, we see four of the five main characters all heading to the warehouse: Taser and his gang get a lead on Kraze; Andre prepares for his robbery; and Michael, Sabrina, and Shar are headed to purchase drugs. Suddenly, Michael’s mother calls him in pain. Sabrina asks if his mom has sickle cell because her father, too, is a sickle cell patient, but he teleports away; the final scene sees our characters all converge at the warehouse. 

The final scene sees our characters all converge at the warehouse. Rod wakes up to a voicemail from Spud about an earlier drug deal. Unable to reach him, Rod gets nervous. Soon his powers return and he races to the warehouse. As he arrives, Tazer and his gang enter and a shootout ensues against Kraze and his gang. Sabrina and Shar are caught in the crossfire and try to escape just as Andre arrives looking for the safe. Sabrina, Andre, Rod, and Tazer end up in the same room. On the defensive, their eyes begin to glow as Tazer raises a gun at Andre. Cut to black.

Overall, this episode was intense. What Supacell does strongly is delve deep into the psyche of their characters, and they do a good job here. The focus on Andre was the episode’s most vital point, with an explosive and exciting ending. 

Rating: 8/10

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