Episode 3 pushes Diaz to a new limit and Harmon’s sound decision brings unwanted consequences for the entire department.
Episode 3 opens with the squad in hot pursuit of a drug-inebriated suspect who allegedly robbed a 7/11 with a hatchet. As Diaz and fellow rookie Holt (Robert Bailer Jr.) chase the suspect on foot, Harmon follows by car. Like a rousing game of parkour, the suspect leaps from one improvised path to another. The camera angles are dizzying, in a good way. Diaz even loses his weapon saving a bystander the suspect shoved over a ledge. Eventually, Diaz corners the shirtless suspect atop a parking garage when the man leaps off, hoping to grab an American flag for a safe landing. The reverse happens, and the injured foe is arrested below.
Holt presents Diaz with his recovered weapon and a warning not to mention the infraction to Harmon. Holt says she can’t be trusted as she has a reputation for getting cops fired for “doing their job.”
Later, Diaz and Harmon respond to a break-in and alleged assault. A wife alleges a swarthy Mexican attacked her husband before fleeing the scene. Diaz and Harmon track down the suspect, who has a different story. When confronted the truth comes out: the suspect was a sex worker the husband contacted for a private session, but cried wolf when his wife came home unexpectedly.
Afterward, Harmon receives a call from Sgt. Koyama (Rich Ting) about a potential opening on his unit. Through this conversation, we learn Harmon’s current assignment may be punishment for a former misdeed. Koy also details an update on Maniac’s location. The cop killer may have escaped to Mexico, leaving any justice to federal jurisdiction.
Back at the department, Harmon received some unsettling news from Lasman. Because of her restraint at the illegal rave the previous night, a store owner is suing the department because of property damage.
The episode closes with a thrilling cliffhanger. A car set ablaze brings officers back to the unhoused encampment, which looks completely different at night. Diaz and Holt hear what sounds like a woman screaming. As they investigate inside a tent, a man charges Holt. Diaz wrestles him away but the suspect flees. After the chaos, Diaz realizes the man stuck Holt with a syringe. Holt immediately collapses, foaming at the mouth. Diaz quickly applies Narcan as more aid comes to assist Holt. Harmon talks Diaz through his frenzied panic until he catches his breath.
Episode 3 reveals more about our characters, specifically Officer Harmon. We learn she has some familial ties and isn’t particularly liked by her blue brothers and sisters. The writers’ ability to show more with less is impressive, allowing viewers to piece things together themselves. The show feels heightened in that regard compared to Wolf’s network series. And the half-hour format keeps the pace at a forward progression, perfect for bingeing.
Rating: 8/10