In the seventh episode of Disney+’s She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Jennifer Walters, played by Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black, Parks and Recreation), finds her zen and learns to move past some of her prior flaws. Aptly titled “The Retreat,” Jen embarks on an inadvertent “soul-searching” journey and rediscovers what it means to actually be there for herself.
Jen decides to join the dating game again after meeting a “nice guy” at Lulu’s wedding. They go on a decent amount of dates, he seems to text her frequently, and they get along well, but then he becomes pretty hot and cold, sending Jen into a tailspin of sorts. She isn’t used to the modern dating scene and frustratingly doesn’t get online dating etiquette and the social faux pas of double texting and “seeming too available.” Unfortunately, Jen doesn’t realize that this “nice guy” really only dated her to steal some of her blood/DNA for an unnamed villain. That’s another story.
Alas, amidst all of this chaos, Jen receives a phone call from her boss, who informs her that Emil Blonsky a.k.a. The Abomination, played by Tim Roth (Pulp Fiction, Selma) has decided to head a meditation retreat center to help vague supervillians and people with super abilities control their powers and surges of anger. The whole therapy circle trope has the potential to play out as cheesy, but Blonsky and his weird cohorts prove to be a relatively entertaining bunch to observe and hear from.
While forcing Jen to work out her dating/life/anger issues amidst a group of strangers, including a man who attacked her a few weeks ago, feels and is incredibly strange, it essentially works in a charming way that forces her to get out of her skin and look at her life in an objective way. These characters wouldn’t be interesting in any other particular setting except for the fact that they serve as a rag-tag bunch that can help Jen look at her faults and existence.
Jen’s character arc this season is all about finding the balance between herself and She-Hulk, and this therapy session brings that to light and more full circle, whereas most of the prior episodes have merely skirted around the topic.
It should be interesting to see where Jen’s stolen DNA ends up, which is sure to bring the season to an interesting conclusion. As Jen continues to reconcile with who she is, viewers will be intrigued to see how things turn out.
Rating: 8.0/10.0