Previously on Apple TV’s Masters of The Air, Crosby (Anthony Boyle) and his crew returned to base camp. In “Part Five,” things ended tragically. Lt. Rosenthal (Nate Mann) and his crew were the only ones to make it back from their mission, which meant that sixteen plane ships either caught on fire or crashed down from damage done. John “Bucky” Egan’s (Callum Turner) crew had to bail out from their plane, with him landing in German territory. Now, viewers anticipate seeing him on his journey trying to return to his base.
‘Part Six’ of Masters of The Air starts the viewers off with John stranded in Germany. He hides out near the woods so no one can find him. He goes past a house, pointing his gun at three young boys there. Once he puts his gun away and motions for them not to say anything, they don’t listen, yelling “Amerikaner” which is American in German, to anyone who can hear.
John runs away, quickly finding somewhere to hide. He finds a swamp and hides there as two men search for him. As he tries to escape, one of the men finds him, so he puts his hands up, defensively.
Next, we see Crosby on a train. He was taking a break from the war. He gets signed up for Oxford College for a conference.
While he’s at the conference, there’s a transition where Lt. Rosenthal (Nate Mann) and his crew go on an R&R at Coombe House.
The episode goes back to John, who’s been taken somewhere. He gets transported on a train with three other hostages. They get out, walking around a small town that was bombed. They are crowded as the citizens start yelling and throwing things at them. The citizens beat them until the German soldiers have enough and shoot some of the attackers.
Then we see Rosenthal again. He speaks with Dr. Huston (Jamie Parker). Rosenthal wants to return to base, but Huston thinks it will be helpful for him to stay, help him heal mentally, and have a break away from everything. They make a deal that he’ll stay for five days.
Going back to John, who wakes up bloody on a wagon; only he and one other soldier are alive. John pretends he’s dead. As he pretends to lie there, he tries escaping from the German soldiers, who are close to burying him alive. They notice him running away, but let him go, believing he will be caught. John is found in the woods, passed out. He gets transported to the Prisoner of War Transit Camp.
Later, we see Crosby at the conference. Once it’s over, he goes back to his room. He meets his roommate, Sandra Westgate (Bel Powley), who seems to be an interesting character, bright and kind. We see them talking with others. One of the men speaks unkindly toward Crosby. After their discussion, Crosby and Sandra talk some more, learning more about each other.
It’s now nighttime when we see Rosenthal. He and Dr. Huston both struggle to sleep and end up downstairs in the living area. Rosenthal expresses how he’s upset he’s there, he had a “rhythm” while being on his missions, and he had things he needed to do. We learn that Huston is a flight surgeon and that his crew and Rosenthal’s had been on a mission together.
We transition back to Crosby and Sandra. They sit on the floor and he tells her a story about him and Bubbles (Louis Greatorex). He then tells her that he blames himself for the death of his best friend, saying because he replaced him in his position. Sandra tells him not to, that it’s the Nazi’s fault.
The episode goes back to John, who’s still at the prisoner camp. He meets with someone. The man already seems to know a lot about John, like where he’s from and his serial number. They discuss baseball with the World Series that just happened. Unknowingly, John tells the man that he’s a Yankees fan, and then the next thing we know, he’s asking if Gale (Austin Butler) was a Yankees fan when he was alive. That shocks him and he tells John that he’s been reading up on the news. He tells him that he needs verification so that he can confirm with John’s people to make sure that he’s who he says he is. As a result of John refusing to take orders, he goes back to his cell.
Later, John gets pulled out of bed going outside with the other men. They get transported onto trains. As they’re getting inside, a Nazi train passes by with women being held captive and taken from their homes.
As time passes, both Crosby and Rosenthal make it back on base. While they’re back, John and the group of passengers make it to a camp and he reunites with Gale. As he’s walking through the gates, John can’t help but have a smile on his face. Not only was he reunited with his best friend, but also some of his war buddies.
Overall, this was a slow episode but there was a happy ending, now knowing that Gale was alive. Viewers saw more of Rosenthal and learn more about him, without speaking too much about himself. It will be interesting to see how the next episode plays out, seeing as now Gale and John are both held in a camp.
Rating: 8/10