Review: ‘Masters of The Air’ Season 1, Episode 4 “Part Four”

Previously on Apple TV’s Masters of The Air, the crew had a mission to fly to Africa. Capt. Oran Petrich (Jojo Macari) gets captured by the Germans. Lt. Curtis (Barry Keoghan) unfortunately died during their mission, which was emotional for those involved. John “Bucky” Egan (Callum Turner) and Gale “Buck” Cleven (Austin Butler) are faced with many tragedies, as they make it to their destination. 

Now, it’s time for ‘Part Four.’ The episode starts with their crews waiting in the desert where they landed. As they see a plane coming, they pack their things to return home. No one knows if those who were missing are either dead or captured. 

On the same day, Capt. Oran is at a dinner, waiting for something to happen. Someone whispers to him and he’s surprised to see someone he knows from the Air Force, Sgt. Bailey (Bailey Brook). He asks Oran about Baby Face, but someone pulls him into the back of the restaurant before he can respond. There are questions for Oran about his life and his career. Bailey also gets pulled in for questioning as well. The two of them are made to write their answers on paper. 

It’s now September 1943. Gale and John are driving around their plantation. At night, the force has a party. There’s talk that you get to go home if you make it to 25 missions. One of the guys, Lt. Pappy Lewis (Josh Bolt), is upset they’re partying, while some crews died during their current mission. Pappy believes that it is bad luck. The rest of his friends, Speas (Tim Preston), Lt. Nash (Laurie Davidson), and Lt. Rosenthal (Nate Mann) stay in good spirits. 

They introduce themselves to John and Gale. None of them were pilots before this mission, which the boys found impressive. After the conversation, Nash decides it’s time to go talk to some of the girls there. He dances with one of them. Rosenthal waves at him as he watches him dancing while walking over to the two majors, asking for advice. He was nervous about their next mission and wanted to stay alive. 

There’s a short scene where Gale tells John that he should take a break for his mental health. John suggests that he join him. It is clear how strong their friendship is, seeing how they are always worried about each other. Next, we see Oran and Bailey preparing for their mission for the Germans. They meet their guide, a young girl.

Time goes by, as it has almost now been a month. John is in London. He meets a woman from Poland. Her husband was also a pilot, but he died. She moved to London when the Germans took over her home. There are bombs and war in the sky as John and the woman are lying in his bedroom. He finds it weird to be on the other side of the war, being the observer and not being the one who’s on the plane. 

The force gets ready for their next mission. Gale gets him and his crew on their plane. One of their wheels isn’t working, so Sgt. Lemmons (Rafferty Law) decides to prove himself by fixing it before they fly off. As the plane is moving, he’s working on getting it fixed. It was dangerous, but something that he wanted to do. He cuts it close as he finishes and exits the wing, running to a truck as he lets Gale know they’re ready to fly. 

Next, we see Oran, Bailey, and their guide in Paris, France. She lets them know that Germans will surround them, so they have to be careful and blend in. She tells them not to speak. A man comes to them asking for their tickets. Since they can’t understand him, the two young men give him their papers. Oran freaks out and tries to run, so the girl lies and tells the man that they are deaf and cannot understand him. After the incident, they meet another young woman who will be helping them in this mission. They make it to the train station. 

Later, we return to Sgt. Lemmons who is watching the planes return to the base. Thirteen of them are missing, which includes Gale and Crosby’s (Anthony Boyle). It’s a total of eighty men who didn’t make it back. Nash and Speas also didn’t make it. The guys have to come up with a decision on who will be the one to tell John what happened, specifically with Gale. 

John goes into town to buy a paper. He learns about the planes and calls the plantation to get info on everything. He gets told about Gale. He decides to come back early for another mission. 

This was overall a slow, but interesting episode, with new people being introduced and those who are important not making it, like Gale and Crosby. It will be interesting to see how John handles his grief and how he’ll do in the next mission. He hasn’t been himself as of lately, so all of this just adds more stress for him.

Rating: 8/10

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