Review: ‘KAOS’, Season One, Episode Eight, “The Prophecy”

In the season one finale of Netflix’s series, KAOS, Zeus has to manage the kaos ensuing upon the world, and his eventual downfall. These events cause him to have nightmares, such as him bleeding and finding out he has become mortal. 

Persephone continues to run the Underworld and helps Hades as he is still bed-ridden after Zeus struck him with lightening. Both Persephone and Hades are summoned by Hera. While Hades seemingly disappears, he meets with Medusa to join the fight and revolt against the gods.

Meanwhile, Zeus formulates a plan to put an end to his prophecy. He reaches the human world and plans to kill The Fates. Unbeknownst to him, they already knew he was coming to kill them, and they aid in their own murder. Zeus sets the place ablaze, though he is still uneasy since this could still be a part of the prophecy. Upon the ash from the fire, he finds his special watch that was stolen by Dionysus.

In the underworld, Caeneus continues to lack purpose. Medusa urges him to switch to a different job and to be patient to see Riddy again, reminding him that there is a greater good. Riddy and Orpheus are on their journey to leave the underworld while figuring out where they stand as a couple. Orpheus finds out that Riddy is now in love with Caeneus through a quarrel with her, leaving the journey awkward.  

Caeneus decides to take things into his own hands despite Medusa’s advice. He goes to the divers and tries to stop people from crossing over through the water. There, he sees his mother again. She insists on crossing the water, but not by herself. She drags Cansues with her and through the portal.

During this pivotal moment, Hera calls a meeting with all of the gods and Zeus. While Hera believed this would ease the tension, this meeting only made Zeus more vengeful. Zeus limits the god’s meander water, which gives them immortality. Zeus then interrogates Dionysus and threatens him due to his watch resurfacing. Dionysus brings forward the theme of love and his fascination with it. Zeus, disgusted, kills the kitten Dionysus was watching for Orpheus. He also reveals that he killed Hera’s bees, which includes Dionysus’s mother. At everyone’s horror, Poseidon makes a stand, declaring his love for Hera, explaining love is not only for the mortals. 

Ari’s storyline continues with her dragging her brother to her mother. This act of chivalry wins her mother’s love. At the same time, Orpheus and Riddy reach the world of the living. Despite the two no longer being inlove, they decide to remain close. Then, Cassandrea reveals to Riddy that both Riddy and Ari are to set the living free, while Caeneus will set the dead free. Here it is shown that Caeneus has similar powers to Hades.

At the conclusion of this episode, Prometheus is teleported to the realms of the gods. Zeus, looking for him, finds Prometheus on the throne. Zeus no longer has power over Prometheus, or maybe not even at all. Zeus is shown to bleed from his fingertip, revealing that he is now mortal.

This season tied many loose ends within the show. Riddy now assists  Ari, and Caeneus assists  Hades. Hera discreetly begins to build an army, and Prometheus is now free. This episode was full of important moments and thrills. It had audiences at the edge-of-their-seat, looking forward to season two. The plot of season two remains a mystery since Zeus is now dethroned. Though, this opens the possibility to a war between the gods themselves. Overall, this was one of the most beloved episodes within the season, which may have hooked many into waiting for season two.

Rating: 9/10

Kayla Burrows: Film and television have always been an acute interest of mine since adolescence. Ever since, I have participated in adjacent professions, such as theatre, copywriting, and media research. With over eight years of experience in writing and communication, I aim to leverage my expertise to contribute to innovative media projects, and give audiences trusted reviews.
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