As Mark recovers from the Invincible War, he is quickly caught off guard as Earth is visited by a Viltrumite whose mission is to conquer Earth. While Mark may be exhausted and emotionally drained, he now knows the possible fear of losing both his family and Eve. With this being threatened, Mark leaves no time to spare to address this new threat.
This Viltrumite is introduced as Conquer, voiced by Jeffery Dean Morgan, an actor who previously co-starred with Steven Yeun on Kirkman’s The Walking Dead. While Mark had been training and could fight different variants of himself, one punch from Conquer sent him flying through the city.
Mark attempts to talk to Conquer, possibly trying to work out a deal, as Earth has recently taken an enormous toll. Before completing a single sentence, Conquer overpowers Mark, laughing in his face. Seeing that Mark is tired and has no goal to kill, Conquer looks for ways to motivate him.
Oliver arrives at the scene, landing a clean blow on Conquer. He cheers and continues to aim another punch but is instantly caught. Unaware, Oliver finds himself in extreme danger. Mark attacks Conquer, distracting him from attacking Oliver.
Cecil rushes to Sinclair’s lab as Earth has little to no defense against a Viltrumite except for Mark. The lab shows that Sinclair and Cecil collaborated on a new project. After the Invincible War, Cecil gathered the deceased bodies of the Mark variants and turned them into super soldier robots. While Cecil needed these soldiers for the arrival of the variants, they were still unfinished, leaving Mark as Earth’s only hope.
As Mark becomes weary and beaten, he is tossed with ease, leaving Oliver vulnerable. Conquer slowly rips Oliver in half, enjoying every second of it. As soon as Mark regains consciousness, he jumps back into the fight, tackling Conquer to save Oliver.
Cecil teleports to Oliver to send him to the hospital after being nearly torn apart. There, Eve makes her way to join the fight despite just waking up in the hospital after her leg was torn off in her previous battle. While Cecil doubted her, she proved herself to be stronger than everyone anticipated.
Eve creates body armor around herself , and fights with atomized axes and spears against Conquer. She shows that she is now able to use her powers creatively, giving her a unique advantage. These weapons and shields are broken quickly, making it difficult to defend herself. Conquer eventually breaks through her barriers and grabs her, punching a hole through her.
Mark watches Eve fall to the ground as he sits with a broken leg. The couple cries as Eve struggles to communicate with her mangled body. Conquer watches closely, amused and intrigued, exclaiming that Eve is dead.
Conquer baits Mark’s anger, leading Mark to fight with broken bones. Unexpectedly, Eve manages to use her energy to send a blast at Conquer, burning layers of skin off his body. Eve loses consciousness once more, though Conquer continues to fight with a fleshless body. Mark uses his unbroken arm to beat Conquer, though that arm and hand are quickly broken. Left without any limbs to use, Mark bashes his forehead into Conquer until he is unresponsive.
This finale concludes with Rex’s funeral, mourning the hero who sacrificed himself to save his teammates. This bittersweet moment shows the high stakes the characters risk and the unpredictability and maturity of a superhero story. As the remaining heroes stand together in silence, the weight of the losses lingers, further reinforcing the emotional depth of the series. This finale balanced thrilling action and emotional scenes, leaving audiences eager for upcoming seasons. Ultimately, this finale showcases how Invincible continues to push the boundaries of the superhero genre, making it captivating for a wide audience.
Rating: 9.5/10