Episode four of Invincible’s new season continues with Mark investigating the drone that was spying on his family. Mark takes what is left of the drone to Robot in hopes of finding who sent it. While Robot was impressed by this technology, the drone was far too damaged to be analyzed further. The only person Mark can believe is spying on him is Cecil, which also leads to a dead end, as the drone was not from their department either.
Mark puts his investigation on hold to meet up with Eve for their official first date. While he arrives late, she is more understanding than Mark could have anticipated. The two enjoy each other’s company and are excited to find some normality in their relationship. Even so, this time is short-lived as a portal opens up at their dinner table.
Fightmaster and Dropkick from this season’s previous episode arrive once more, but are now in need of Mark’s help. Upon their arrival, the duo explaines that they needed the Declaration of Independence for an emergency. As Mark aims to simply have them detained, the two brothers make a deal with Mark, exclaiming that they will give back the declaration if Mark comes with them.
Mark reluctantly agrees as he’s sick of getting lost in portals and must leave his first date with Eve again. Mark is introduced to a dystopian world as the three enter the portal. Fightmaster and Dropkick explain that the appointed leader of the world ruled well for many years, although it changed and became more deprived and enslaved. As Mark finds this King, he learns that he’s been waiting for Incinvible for years so that they could battle to the death. While Mark is no stranger to battle, he is taken aback as he finds that this king is a familiar face to him.
Meanwhile, Allen’s story continues in deep space as he is taken aboard a prison ship containing Nolan Grayson. The two communicate through Allen’s telepathy device in his brain, though Nolan remains adamant about receiving his punishment. While Nolan awaits his execution, Allen goes through numerous execution attempts, as his new body is durable and seemingly indestructible.
Vimtumites soon arrive at the prison ship to execute Nolan. While Nolan wants to be punished for betraying everyone and everything he loves, Allen continues his plan to save him. Allen releases the prisoners and revolts against the guards. Once he reaches Nolan, the Viltrumites attack him and the other prisoners. Even though it was a balanced fight, Allen is brutally attacked, leaving him near dead. Despite wanting to die, Nolan saves his new friend and joins the fight.
This new episode reveals an interesting foil to Mark and Nolan’s journey. While Mark strives to have normalcy in his life, he finds himself in constant battle. Mark wants to be more human, such as going on dates and teaching life lessons to his brother, Oliver, but he finds himself needing to fight like a viltrumite. Nolan is beginning to realize he has emotions and cares about people. He begins to miss Debbie, and he saves Allen even though this is against his race’s ideology. Hopefully, in the coming episodes, audiences can see this play out further and see if Oliver will have similar issues as he grows in power.
Rating: 9.5/10